Cardi B reveals what she fights for as she poses with Offset in revealing dress that leaves her entire bum hanging out

Cardi B reveals what she fights for as she poses with Offset in revealing dress that leaves her entire bum hanging out

Cardi B has taken to Twitter to reveal what she’s fighting for.


The rapper spent the whole of Monday, September 26, fighting with singer Akbar V on Twitter to the point that her husband Offset got dragged into it.


After their Twitter spat, Cardi B posted a number of photos she took with Offset.


Cardi B reveals what she fights for as she poses with Offset in revealing dress that leaves her entire bum hanging out


Cardi wore a revealing dress in the photos and it put her entire bum on display.


Cardi B reveals what she fights for as she poses with Offset in revealing dress that leaves her entire bum hanging out


In the caption she explained what she’s fighting for.


Cardi B reveals what she fights for as she poses with Offset in revealing dress that leaves her entire bum hanging out


She wrote: “I fight for my bitches and I’m fighting over dick too.”


Cardi B reveals what she fights for as she poses with Offset in revealing dress that leaves her entire bum hanging out

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