Home Lifestyle Health 5 Ways to Protect Yourself from Emotional Abuse

5 Ways to Protect Yourself from Emotional Abuse

2. Treat it as Enemy

Never manage situation or relationship that promises emotional abuse with anyone, not even in the name of love. Don’t make it look like you’ve got no other option and get stuck in the situation or relationship. Emotional abuse is your enemy, when you treat it as your enemy, then you will flee away from every appearance of emotional abuse.

Open your eyes and you will see that there is a better and safer way to handle that situation or relationship, and one of the good ways to go about it is to abandon the relationship and walk away from it.

3. Don’t give it Time

Because of emotion, you might want to give the situation and relation time because of the soft spot you have for the person torturing you emotionally. Sometimes, all you need to do is to give it little time, but you should always know that with time, things can get worse. Never think you are the one that will change a narcissist when he or she is not ready to change, don’t even believe they will change because they say so.

The more time you spend together, the more emotional and gullible you become. Don’t wait to invest your emotions in such situation lest you are being exploited. The more time you spend where you are abused emotionally, the more difficult it becomes for you to come out of it. Don’t let emotional abuse thrive – don’t give it time, you will be wasting your time and life if you do.

4. Know Why You should keep away from emotional abuse

The reason why most people keep up with emotional torture is because they don’t know the long term implications of its effects on them. Getting to know that emotional abuse makes you age faster than stress will cause you to toughen up against it, it deteriorates you mental health at a fast pace and make you to lose yourself, and to give up on yourself.

These and many more are what will happen to you if you choose to suffer or embrace emotional abuse. You can only guard against situation when you have full awareness of what it can cause you. So, another way to protect yourself from emotional torture is to know why you should keep away from it in the first place.

5. Practise Self Love

Love yourself and you will know how to take care of yourself better. It is not selfish to love yourself, in fact, it will help you to know how to treat others kindly as you would do to yourself. The law of self-love teaches you never to do others what you would not want them do to you.

Be wary of what comes in and out of you, when you are mindful of this, you will be conscious of what is going on around you. It is unfortunate that most people don’t know what is going on in their life, others only find out when it is late. With self-love, you will consciously look out for yourself – not to find faults with people but to make sure nothing happens to you without your full knowledge.



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