4 Ways to Build On Your Success


2. Keep vertigo in check

Anyone whose goal is to achieve something higher must expect someday to suffer vertigo. Vertigo is not fear of falling, it is the voice of emptiness below us which tempts and lures us to perform less of our capability. Vertigo will bring you to your hitting point if you allow it. Mental giddiness comes with some level of satisfaction that stops you from breaking the ceiling.

Why would you rest on your laurel when you can become more? Vertigo will explain success to you in a false way and think it is a destination. Meanwhile, success is a journey – it is a progressive element. The price and value of today’s success will change tomorrow. It has always been like this and it won’t stop now. If you allow vertigo to serve you the mentality that you have arrived, it would dawn on you so late that the success you thought you had is not success. Each new day sets new standard for success. It has become day by day setting that what people call huge success today becomes little success tomorrow.

3. Have Patience

Always remember to mix strength and patience with your passion that you may reach for the stars in your choice of profession. Patience is the courageous element you will need to remain steady and sturdy. It helps to conserve your intelligence that it may be employed when you need it most.

Patience is a virtue of men and women – not boy and girl. Meanwhile, it is not about age. Patience breeds maturity. Possessing patience does not mean you are slow to action, it is actually about calculated action and risk. Taking some time out for yourself will help you to see what others are not seeing, knowing what others don’t know yet will help you to prepare better. This is how your patient dog will end up eating the farthest bones. Meanwhile, the farthest bones are always the fattest ones, because they are at no man’s reach, except the man that would go extra mile and higher. Having this kind of patience will always help you to go farther and do better even if it means you take more time than others.

And after everything, the kind of success that will come to you would be a huge one. It will be ‘loud’.

4. Have Access to Quality Information

4 Ways to Build On Your Success

When you are open to quality information, then you have a channel that supplies. There are information and there are information, the quality of your information determines the quality of your decision and action, and then your end product. Where do you obtain your information? What are your networks like? What are the values of what you know? These are what you should never joke with, no successful person out there joke with quality information.

This also explains the company you keep. How resourceful your association is determines the values of information that will come to you. Right information will help your foresight and stimulate your acumen for greater success.

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