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The Dark Side of Spiritual Awakening

The Soul That Experienced Spiritual Awakening Can Be Like Wild Fire…

Once fire is set, it billows uprising with the help of wind and the fire can go wild. Going beyond borders and boundaries and ruin everything in its way, it won’t even spare the person that set it ablaze. Fire needs to be tamed lest it go wild, likewise, the soul that experienced spiritual awakening needs to be guided lest it goes wild.

A deposit of power rests on you, and rises in you – it is the energy to make big things happen in little time. The soul could be intoxicated and go haywire, doing what it is not supposed to do. Going beyond limits and ruining some valuable things.

Valuable things like friendship, and honor. The soul that just experienced spiritual awakening might have little or no regard for rule and authority. The soul feels unstoppable and would want to stamp authority on things that come its way. So such individual does not care what others think as long they feel the irresistible urge to keep blazing. When they feel it, they demonstrate it.

It is obvious that they don’t know when to stop once they start, and doing this might cost them many things. They might end up losing people in their life because they are not ready to give regards to some ‘two cents’ those people will offer when they observe something is going wrong already.

Spiritual awakening makes the giant in you get loosed, as you take giant strides towards your becoming, you might also end up putting your legs in shoes that are oversized. Spiritual awakening comes with wild feelings that need to be domesticated.

A spiritual awakened soul will do anything (within and without) their reach to make things happen, they don’t care what happens to others in process of achieving their dreams. They don’t care who is hurting and bleeding … they are ready to sacrifice anything and anyone just to get your hands on what they want.

You are turbo-charged when you are spiritually awakened, your spirit and emotions get high and your adrenaline rushes in full flow. This explains why you can be rough as you about doing your things. Something is moving and pushing you, you are under an influence that is way bigger than you.



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