5 Behaviours Common Among Adults Who Went Through Trauma At Their Young Age


The life an adult lives is a formation of their experiences while growing up. We are not born with behaviours, most thing we end up doing are what life has taught us successfully. Our formative years are very important to the extent that they determine our latter years (the future to live).

The environments an adult lived, the eye-sore experiences an adult experienced would be seen in their today’s life. Trauma is an emotional wound leading to psychological injury; it is an event that causes great distress. Now imagine an adult that went through series of unfortunate events; that went from distress to distress. It would be very difficult for them to suffer such wounds without leaving scars on them.

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I am a young father, enthusiastic media mogul, crime journalist, psychologist, and life coach, this blog is where I put out my work and also on my Youtube channel. For life coaches and articles to help you through hard times please read emmanuelsblog.com. Thanks for reading my blog, I appreciate it and would love to see you back again. send out love to the world.


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