4 Ways To Really Live One Day At A Time.


It is your responsibility to know how to number your days. Numbering your days is keeping your days safe from every unhealthy habits and things that deny your days their fulfillment. 4 Ways To Really Live One Day At A Time.

You would only find yourself to blame if you miss out on opportunities when you are aware that you could have done better. Failing to maximize your day will usher in pains, and regrets (the had-I-known feeling). Everyday has its magic, you would miss out on it if you do less than what you are expected to do. You only have today once, tomorrow is not today, and next tomorrow is not tomorrow. It is a
time/day waste already if you find yourself doing tomorrow’s activities in next tomorrow. It tells you are lagging behind. It is not safe to play catch-up.

However, in as much that people don’t want this to happen to them, yet they keep shooting themselves
in leg. Is this you?

Below are 4 ways to be a good manager of your day as it comes by:

1. Don’t Delay

Delay will always be dangerous. What you have to do today should not be pushed into tomorrow or another day, save you find yourself in a situation way beyond you, where you can’t really help it. The reason why you end up hating your day for being bored is largely part to your ineffectiveness or your being in a state of inaction for so long. When procrastination overtakes you, it overtakes your day and
its time. Then you would be robbed of potential success ‘and ‘real moments’ embedded in your day. You might have to beat yourself up to get into action and make the most of your day – you would be glad you did.

You are not the only one nursing that great idea, delaying yourself to act means you will definitely be robbed by those who have the same. Then you will lose total interest in what you are inspired and supposed to do. Procrastinating is an act of laziness. Don’t be lazy.

2. Make Plans

We cannot but keep laying emphasis on the word ‘planning’. Don’t be among the many that would say “we will find how to cross the bridge only when we get there.” Perhaps they tell themselves this to switch off and away from anxiety.

4 Ways To Really Live One Day At A Time.

Towards everyday, know what you need to do, and how to go about it (this is planning at its core). This is (how) the first way to stimulate your mind in making things happen for yourself. See page 2 for more details

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I am a young father, enthusiastic media mogul, crime journalist, psychologist, and life coach, this blog is where I put out my work and also on my Youtube channel. For life coaches and articles to help you through hard times please read emmanuelsblog.com. Thanks for reading my blog, I appreciate it and would love to see you back again. send out love to the world.


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