What Has Shocked You the Most About Kat Dennings?


What Has Shocked You the Most About Kat Dennings?

I was shocked when she addressed her leaked
pictures indirectly when Chris Evans accidentally leaked a photo of his penis
on Twitter.

On September 13, 2020, Chris accidentally
shared a screen recording of his camera roll on Twitter which featured a NSFW
picture of himself. This soon became the number one trending topic on Twitter
because his fans were asking everyone not to share the pictures online and were
spamming the platform with cute pictures of him and his dog to try and hide
anyone sharing the picture.

After Chris deleted the post he made another sometime
later. But what surprised a lot of people was seeing Kat Dennings posting about

What Has Shocked You the Most About Kat Dennings?

Kat DenningsKat Dennings 

In 2010 a nude picture of her, stolen from
her phone, leaked online, followed by another batch two years later. As she
started becoming famous, thanks to her brilliant and hilarious role in 2
Broke Girls
, those pictures started circulating online (to this day) and
being shared on Twitter and other major platforms.

Her fans applauded her for her post, as when
it happened to her no one tried to hide the pictures or even support her in
what was surely a difficult time, just like it happened to hundreds of
celebrities in 2014 when the “Fappening” (and its “sequels”) happened.

What Has Shocked You the Most About Kat Dennings?

Another shocking is:

She described
her Marvel audition process as being comparable to abduction. Beyond being
amazingly talented, Kat Dennings real name is actually Katherine Victoria Litwack.

On changing
her name to a stage name, she said: “I didn’t want to use my family name because I
thought, A, it was a little hideous, and B, I wanted to know when someone
really knew me or they didn’t. I was a precocious youngster.”

nothing outright shocking that I found out about her. She’s shockingly talented
and shockingly beautiful, in the most positive connotation.

What Has Shocked You the Most About Kat Dennings?

But my
favorite story from her is her Marvel audition process for Thor. Marvel used some, well,
interesting tactics to retain secrecy for MCU storylines and characters.

representation told her that Marvel wanted to audition her for a role in one of
the MCU films. She didn’t know what the role was because Marvel didn’t tell
her. She didn’t know if she was going to be a superhero, love interest, or

eventually got a fake script that featured a fake character for her. Marvel
then sent her to a fake address as well. This was done to keep her audition a

She said: “I looked around, and I was
like ‘There’s no-one at this address’ and then someone came over in a golf
cart, and he was like ‘I’m here to take you to the real place’ and I was like

So she got
into the golf cart and was whisked away to an unknown location. She later joked
that it felt like she was being abducted.



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Mr Priceless
A young person with a passion for success and excellence to develop a professional career that encourages empowerment in the overall development of a person which is achieved through hard work. A Journalist with facts and a difference; standing by the truth all the time with interests in Science & Technology, Health, Celebrities' Lifestyle, Crimes, Education and Career Improvement.


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