Princess Catharina-Amalia’s milestone birthday to be marked with New Royal Book


 new book will be released to mark Princess Catharina-Amalia of The Netherlands‘ 18th birthday on 7 December.

Princess Catharina-Amalia's milestone birthday to be marked with New Royal Book

The royal court has confirmed that writer, comedian and singer, Claudia de Breij (pictured above with the princess), has written a personal book based on her encounters with the heir to the Dutch throne.

The author has met with King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima‘s eldest daughter on several occasions over the summer. The princess, who graduated from Christelijk Gymnasium Sorghvliet in The Hague in June, spoke to Claudia about her education, her love for music and what the monarchy and her future role mean to her now.

Catharina-Amalia also brought the author to the Royal Stable Department to talk about her passion for horses and equestrian sport.

The book, which is titled Amalia, will be published by Uitgeverij Pluim in mid-November and will also contain photos from the princess’ private archive.

It has been a tradition for heirs to the Dutch throne to have books published about them on their occasion of their 18th birthday.

Renate Rubinstein published the book Alexander for King Willem-Alexander in 1985 and Hella Haasse wrote Portrait of Princess Beatrix for the former queen, Beatrix.

Princess Catharina-Amalia's milestone birthday to be marked with New Royal Book

King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima are also parents to Princess Alexia, 16, and Princess Ariane, 14.

Princess Alexia moved to the UK last month to study for her International Baccalaureate at the UWC Atlantic College in Llantwit Major, Wales, for the next two years.

She has also been joined at the college by the heir to the Spanish throne, Princess Leonor, 15, who is the eldest daughter of King Felipe and Queen Letizia.

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