The feeling of rejection is one of the worst feelings one can feel at any time. Going through this feeling can make you believe that you are not really wanted or appreciated by anyone at that point, and it can leave you feeling miserable for a long time. The best way to overcome this feeling is by shaking it off your mind, and although this may be difficult, it is necessary. Below are 6 ways to shake off the feeling of rejection and bounce back.
Face it head on
Some people might believe that when they say to themselves that it does not matter, they will fell better. Yes it might work, but only for a few moments, as the feeling will not go away until you face it head on. Admit your feelings and you will discover it will help you deal with it much easier than denial. Denial will only make the pain last longer.
Give yourself an emotional pat
One thing is certain, limitations or rejections are clear indications that you are on a certain path for success. You must understand that success does not come easy, and that it comes with a lot of rejections and a door being slammed in your face. When you realize this, give yourself a thumbs up for trying, and comfort yourself with the knowledge that you are doing something right.

Make plans to move forward
Dwelling on the pains or feeling of being rejected will only keep you limited and stagnant. Pick up the pace and continue. It is much better when you use the emotions you fell as a stepping stone to propel you higher. Strategize on how to make a comeback and use your feelings as motivations
Never allow yourself to be defined by failure
It is so much easier to slip into depression when you’re upset or sad, but you must never allow yourself to fall so low. Talk to yourself like a friend and an advisor. Do not define yourself by what you have experienced, either by calling yourself a loser6or by saying you deserve it. Instead, acknowledge that you are making progress and move on.

Learn from it
There is always something to learn from every situation whether good or bad. When you develop the ability to learn something good from a bad situation, only then can you really grow. When you feel rejected, try to look on the bad side and learn at least one thing from it. Blaming yourself for failing will only make you feel worse.
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Surge ahead
Now that you have gotten past the pity feelings and painful emotions, it’s time to make a comeback. Put in everything you have and come back stronger. You will find that it will be much easier from now on.