Tacha hits back at Shade Ladipo after the latter threw shade at her for celebrating getting a follow from Nicki Minaj


Tacha hits back at Shade Ladipo after the latter threw shade at her for celebrating getting a follow from Nicki Minaj

Tacha has hit back at media personality Shade Ladipo after the latter threw shade at her for going out of her way to celebrate getting an Instagram follow from Nicki Minaj. 


Shade had compared Tacha’s reaction after the US rapper followed her to Elon Musk’s reaction after he became the richest man in the world 


Reacting to the shade, Tacha said: “Shade abi Spade,  I thought we dropped this witchcraft behaviour in 2020 cos I don’t get the point of this bitterness outburst really!


“Why are you pained about my happiness?”


She added: “Mbok please act your age. This is 2021.”


Tacha hits back at Shade Ladipo after the latter threw shade at her for celebrating getting a follow from Nicki Minaj


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