Home Lifestyle Self Development 5 Signs You Are Being Haunted By What You Refused Or Accepted

5 Signs You Are Being Haunted By What You Refused Or Accepted

5 Signs You Are Being Haunted By What You Refused Or Accepted

4. When You Hallucinate

Do you seldomly or constantly find yourself mistaken your said ‘no’ for ‘yes’. You had thought you said yes, so you go on to do things you would have done if you say yes, where as, you said no. This is so because your lips (mind) have said what your heart did not say. Many people experience this too, and little did they know, just like you, that what they did accept or refuse is haunting them.

5. When You Have Feeling Of Regret

Say it is possible to turn back the hands of clock; this, many people will do, and we will do so more than one. How many regrets have filled up your life in the past 72 hours; was it as a result of what you refused or accepted? Many thoughts of ‘how I wish!’ would creep in, as you silently pray for a possible second chance to come your way. Maybe or maybe not- who knows if it will come?

However, if you find yourself in a helpless situation as such like this, then you should know that your made decision is haunting you.

On an end note, I would like to tell you that:

Come what may, people have options, always more than one. Some tend to say they don’t have alternatives, this is so because people can get blinded in heat of situations, we tend not to think straight, and we do so, blindly, after all, matters have overwhelmed us and we become desperate. That being explained! 

4 Etra Interesting Articles to read today::

17 Decisions You Will Regret In Not Less Than 10-Years(Opens in a new browser tab)

10 Disturbing Signs The Universe Sends When You Are On The Wrong Path(Opens in a new browser tab)

How To Avoid Decision Burnout And Regret(Opens in a new browser tab)

Here’s How To Make a Working Decision In Life in 2020(Opens in a new browser tab)

Be critical in thinking and in the decisions you make, knowing fully well that, you will be responsible for your decision becoming action that could come back to haunt you. Be skilled in decision making, refuse to play blame game if your decision backfires, don’t stay in the poor decision you have made, rather revel in the good decisions you have made over time and hope for many of it to come. Always trust your gut, this is the only way you will not lose your magic. I have never seen a magical man that is not BOLD. And more importantly, don’t be afraid to make mistake, and its second of it is, FORGIVE yourself where need be, and do so quickly lest you make many mistakes (poor decisions).



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