Home Lifestyle Astrology August 2023: The Effects Of The Powerful Cosmic Energies

August 2023: The Effects Of The Powerful Cosmic Energies

Welcome to August 2023, a recompense month for all troubles that have come with the early months in calendar year 2023!

A chance to rebuild is in for you, the Sun will square up with Uranus on the 3rd of August. You will become better and stronger after you must have been shaken. Your hide-out will no longer be safe to you, so there will be many times that you need to endure.

Things To Be When Cosmic Event Unfolds

When the Sun squares Uranus, Full Moon will appear in Aquarius. There will be energies that give resplendence and vigor for all. Failing confidence will be restored and you will get ready for things to come.

Even so, there will be more spiritual activities when Lionsgate Portal is activated. After the Sun must have squared up with Uranus, it (the Sun) will then move to Leo and places itself with Sirius and Earth. The time frame for this to happen is 4th of August till 10th of the same month. Clouds will gather upon making decisions, it is just another chance for change.

Our pasts will be revisited when Uranus visits Retrograde for its yearly review, on the 15th of August. Unexpainable strength from within will fill everyone up, and no one will be short of good vibe. Sun will enter Virgo on 22nd of August, and every Virgo will find full expression of themselves, these energies will be bestowed on other zodiac signs too.

Read: 12 Archangels and their Connection With Each Zodiac Sign – From Aries, Leo to Pisces

The world should take cognizance of August 24th, the Mars will square up with Saturn and help create memorable events that will be remembered. Expect unwanted and unforeseen circumstances that will bring radical growth.

Romantic life and professional life will become more beautiful, too.

Enjoy these Cosmic’s energies!

August 2020: The Effects Of The Powerful Cosmic Energies



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