The Reason Of Your Downfall In 2020 According To Your Zodiac Signs


Attitudes, habits or behaviours (call it your choice)are what makes or mar a man. Now that you are in 2020, it is natural that you will pick up some habits and leave some. You should know by now that not all habits are healthy, and there are many habits that can abrupt your growth and success in life.

Based on your zodiac signs, we bring to your notice habits will spell doom to your bloom in year 2020. Below are the habits you should avoid in 2020, according to your sign.


(March 21 – April 19)

INCONSISTENCY will be the reason of your downfall in 2020.

If only you can maintain and sustain the relationships you keep, you will remain standing. But now that you are becoming nonchallant concerning all that matters, you are in a grave danger of losing your status, in many capacities. You will disaapoint many people as a result of your inconsistencies.


(April 20 – May 21)

NEGATIVE COMPANY will be the reason of your downfall in 2020.

Negative company in people will bring your fortune into smoke. The bad energy that falls on you as a result of the bad company you keep will affect everything about you negatively. It will happen so fast. You had thought nothing  can stand your way, then you will fall like dominoes and tell yourself ”had I known!’

The Reason Of Your Downfall In 2020 According To Your Zodiac Signs


(May 22 – June 21)

PROCRASTINATION will be the reason of your downfall in 2020.

Anyone that becomes the enemy of time would have himself to blame, constant rejection of time, delaying actions won’t bring progress. You are not like this before, but now in 2020, you tend to become lazy, and this will rightly come at the expense of your downfall.


(June 22 – July 22)

IGNORANCE will be the reason of your downfall in 2020.

The level of information you have determines your capacity and demonstration in settings of life. Don’t be careless with information, run after it and maximize it. Live above assumptions and pay the psychological cost price of your life activities. If you so contrary to this, then your downfall is here.

5. LEO

(July 23 – August 22)

POOR DECISION MAKING will be the reason of your downfall in 2020.

Good decision making will preserve all that you have, but now that you are not working with your instincts, you have allowed a whole lot of emotional arising matters to get to you. And as a result, it will influence your decision making. Often, you will find yourself on the receiving end of your  poor decision skill.


(August 23 – September 22)

JEALOUSY will be the reason of your downfall in 2020.

Because you despise the person who stands a good chance of helping you, you remain limited and stagnant. As a result of the news you heard about them, or because they have what you want, so you see them as competitors and not career mates who can watch the back of one another. This will cost you a lot as you see yourself against the world, forgetting that no single tree can make a forest. Don’t create unreal enemy for yourself.


(September 23 – October 22)

YOUR UNWELCOMING ATTITUDE will be the reason of your downfall in 2020.

You want nobody, self-sufficiency becomes your best way of expressing your supremacy. You leave no one with chance, and have no regard for thhings iutside yoiu. This is a new behavior you just adopted, and it will spell your doom in no time. It could be true that people had exploited your welcomg attitude many times before. Regardless, don’t lock up totally and ry to love and trust some people. 

The Reason Of Your Downfall In 2020 According To Your Zodiac Signs


(October 23 – November 22)

IRRESPONSIBILITY will be the reason of your downfall in 2020.

Many years now, you have been losing your face and status value as a result of your irresponsibility. 2020 will bring you the damages that have been stored up for you, you will reap the fruits of you not being responskible, now. Man up! Take charge! Lead! Do what you have to do at the right time, do not delegate what you should have done, if you want to avert the downfall that will be.


(November 23 – December 21)

BAD MEMORIES will be the reason of your downfall in 2020.

You will ocnstantly find yourself recalling unwanted memories that have happened to you, this will bring fear and mistrust into yoiur heart that will lead to your inaction. You wll be afraid to jump, afraid to make the bold call. You will be tight-gripped around insecurities that will stop or put your world on hold.


(December 22 – January 20)

LACK OF SKILL will be the reason of your downfall in 2020.

You lack the neccessities that will catapult you to the next level. Luck and opportunities will come your way, but you are not ready for it. You have not equipped yourself with needed requirements, you have yourself to blame because of the many chances you have passed up before now. Acquire skills and get yourself prepared for the opportunities coming your way.


(January 21 – February 18)

EXCESS WORK will be the reason of your downfall in 2020.

Your professional life remains solid and gets better, however, you leave your other parts of life to chance, your love and social life will suffer because you give it little or no affection. You are not living a balanced life- – you know it, you feel it. Try compromising when situation warrants, you have not failed if you compromise.


(February 19 – March 20)

NOT BEING TEACHABLE will be the reason of your downfall in 2020.

Rejecting new ideas and failing to adapt to much needed changes in your professional life will mar you. Don’t be too rigid, take counsels and don’t keep to yourself. Learn from your mistakes too. Attain the height of wisdom and be a student of life. If you do contrary to this, your fall will make a loud noise.

The Reason Of Your Downfall In 2020 According To Your Zodiac Signs

The Reason Of Your Downfall In 2020 According To Your Zodiac Signs
The Reason Of Your Downfall In 2020 According To Your Zodiac Signs
The Reason Of Your Downfall In 2020 According To Your Zodiac Signs
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