Since you may prefer animals to humans, here is a list of introvert memes that will make you laugh to tears.
Sometimes I feel sorry for extroverts. They rarely feel the beauty of solitude. No calls, no emails, no FaceTime, no invitation, no people, just you. How cool is that?
Introverts are not anti-social. And we don’t always hide under the blanket. But when our social battery hits zero, we need time to recharge ALONE. That’s the time we dodge people like dodging the bullets.
If you are an introvert, you may prefer animals to humans. So here are the best introvert memes of animals that you can relate to.
The introvert struggle
When you are out for lunch but your coworker doesn’t leave you alone
Via @tank.sinatra
Can calls be illegal?
Best plan ever
When you have a meeting
Everyone talks. But no one has anything to say actually.
When you have a second try on extroverting
When it’s hard not to overthink
Introverts on a grocery haul
Agree or disagree?
Do you agree with these introvert memes? Which one tickles? Leave a comment down below or share it with your introvert squad