Home Lifestyle Astrology May 2020 Energy Effects On Each Zodiac Sign

May 2020 Energy Effects On Each Zodiac Sign

Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn turn Retrograde in May: Venus turned Retrograde will give you freedom and adventurous energies; Jupiter turned Retrograde will give you a new ray of light, you will dream again; Saturn turned Retrograde will bring you orderliness.

Overall, May 2020 will bring and make you a ‘better you’. 

Enjoy your discoveries!


(March 21 – April 19)

The energies in May will cause you to be adventurous as the month runs to an end. Your career, business, job and academic will enjoy stability, more than ever.

May 2020 Energy Effects On Each Zodiac Sign


(April 20 – May 21)

An insatiable thirst for greater learning, discoveries will be expressed in you- -it is actually a call for your better life professionally, socially, and in other cogent areas of life. Happy Bithday to you, too!


(May 22 – June 21)

A wind of change is blown in the air for you- -a touch of perfection in all what you do will be visible, too. Many suspended and abandoned projects would be seen to their completion. Your life will be transcended to a very dedicated and determined life, so many achievements will be recorded on your name.


(June 22 – July 22)

Expect disaapointments where you least expected, things will be blown out of proportion- to your amazement. However, it is a good time space for you to sit with yourself; practise soul-searching, there’s no better time to do so than now. 

5. LEO

(July 23 – August 22)

Month May is solely interested in preparing you for the coming months; it gives room to consider your ways now, and do away with what you don’t really like. Month May is tasked to clear your head and path- -it will revive you, if you will observe yourself critically.


(August 23 – September 22)

In Month May, you stand a chance to be beclouded with ‘self-sufficiency’, that will only lead to trials and errors. Don’t say NO to people’s opinions, they might be the anchor you need. Though it is good to trust your gut, but do not rely on it, entirely.


(September 23 – October 22)

Your mental, social, professional lives will be governed by right attitudes. May is a month where you will have no regrets, whatsoever. It will give you contentment and you will be glad this month satisfy you so well.


(October 23 – November 22)

You are walking through a passage of safety in Month May, the energies therein will revive your belief where and when necessary and provide for you heavens that will meet your very needs.


(November 23 – December 21)

As it is for Scorpio, so it is for you- -though your own case is modified a bit. The energies in Month May will equip you with necessary tools to solve looming ‘future’ crisis. You have the answers already to the questions that you will be asked. Enjoy May’s Blessing!


(December 22 – January 20)

The energies in May will revive your broken relatonships/friendships. Generally, it gives you opportunities to start things afresh and make you anew again. 


(January 21 – February 18)

Here, in May, you have a balanced life. You will know what you want, really, and how to get it. You will be happy with what you do- -your happiness will cut across every areas of your life (marital, professional, socially, mentally).


(February 19 – March 20)

Don’t be surprised if you find yourself to be ‘family-oriented’. Calmness and maturity will emerge from you out of nowhere. You will identify with everybody, almost. Enjoy this moment while it lasts!



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