Home Lifestyle Relationship 11 Love Resolutions For The Single Woman

11 Love Resolutions For The Single Woman

Life as a single woman does not mean you have the worst life experience there is. In several cases, being single gives you the chance to rediscover yourself and find out what works for you, in preparation for your next relationship. As a single woman, there are certain steps and actions you should take to make sure you do not see yourself as a lonely person, instead, as a strong, confident woman. Below are 10 love resolutions for the single woman. 

Get Rid Of The Bucket List

We all had that list as young girls. Growing up, we had an idea of the kind of man we wanted to end up with. As we got older, we realize that the list is not at all important. The important thing is that you get to find a man that understands and respects you, and one you share a deep connection with. Unless you want to remain single for the rest of your life, it is probably time to say goodbye to that ridiculous list.

Be More Open

Have you ever thought of the reason why you are still single, even when you have everything it takes to get and keep him? It could be because you have shut up your mind to some kind of man. Truth be told, no woman wants to end up with a man who is not worth it, but it is difficult, almost impossible to find that perfect man. If you are bit more open and responsive, you may be able to find someone who has most of what you seek.

11 Love Resolutions For The Single Woman

Work On Yourself

If you are single, now is the better time to put in a lot of work on yourself to come out better. This is because you will have no one to worry about, and you have all the time and freedom you want. Learn a new skill, try out that cooking skill, exercise more, etc. All these and more are some of the things you can do to make yourself better.

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Spend More Time Outside

Because you are single does not mean you have to be lonely. You are not in a relationship does not mean you have to lock yourself up in your house all day. Go out more, hang out with your friends, meet new people and expose yourself to all the wonderful opportunities you can get.

Do Not Compare Yourself With Others

Everyone is different and unique, and the time when you are single is the easiest time to slip into the temptation of self comparison. As much as possible, avoid and suppress the urge to compare yourself with all your friends that are married or in a relationship. It will only make you more miserable and less happier.

Stop Trying So Hard

A lot of women would fall prey to the urge to scan every man that comes their way as a potential date or partner. If you find yourself living like this, you will only be miserable as you will not have the tone to actually make friends. Resist the urge to date everyman that comes your way and just have fun.

Let Go Of The Past

Yes you may have been through some painful hear breaks and betrayals. You just have to move on and let it go. Holding on to past pain and hurt will prevent you from moving forward and finding happiness in the future.

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Get Rid Of Fear

Fear prevents you from getting the best you can get. When you are scared of something even before you have it, it will reduce your zeal to work for it. Stop being scared of another heartbreak, take a risk. If it ends well, you gain from it. If it doesn’t, you learn from it.

Never Let People’s Words Affect You

There are people out there who would have no problems bringing down single people with their words. Dwelling on those words will get you feeling like you are the only one in the world who does not have a partner. Try not to think so much of what people say to you or about you.

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Make New Friends

Being single does not mean you should end up lonely and by yourself all the time. Spend more time outside with old and new friends. Who knows? A friend might introduce you to another friend, and before you know it, you are building a network of companions that will cone in handy soon.



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