One might wonder if it is really possible to be in a relationship with someone other than a Soulmate. If your relationship seems like it was made in the heavens itself, with everything being so perfect with that person, could it be possible that it is too good to be true. How can you tell when you are in a relationship with a wound mate and not a soul mate? Is there some kind of criteria that differentiates the two? In response to that, there is a difference. It is completely possible to be in a relationship with a soul mate or a wound mate. You can actually tell the difference if you pay close attention.
A Soulmate
A Soulmate is one you share a part of your soul with. They fit you perfectly inside and out. They know what you need and the things that will make you happy. Even with your flaws, they are always there to support and encourage you. With a soul mate, you do not have to worry about being judged. They listen to you, and when you are wrong, they work with you to become a better version of yourself.
They do this without overshadowing you and still give you the chance to take charge and control of your self, being and happiness. All this does not mean they are without flaws themselves, they are human just like yourself, but they do not dwell on their faults as it does not define them, and they also expect you to do same.
A Wound-Mate
The wound mate is the contradiction of everything the soul mate stands for. They may overtake you in a whirlwind romance, and make you believe that they are the best thing that can happen to you, instead, they are toxic. Funny enough, you will only attract a wound mate if you are wounded yourself. They say birds of a feather flock together. So if you are filled with despair, anger, pain or hate, perhaps from previous failed relationships, there is a great chance you will find someone who is just as wounded as you are.
You feel a connection with this person, but it is not out of romance or love, it is from pain that you both feel. The relationship will always be filled with constant ego, pride and criticism on both sides. In a relationship between wound mates, there is a very slim chance, almost none of both parties getting past their insecurities and pain, healing and building up something strong and intimate.