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Here’s How to Read 9 Aura Colours And The Meaning of Each Color

Here's How to Read 9 Aura Colours And The Meaning of Each Color


The blue color is the color of intuition and peace. Despite being a positive color, there are still some negative aspects to it.

A dark blue aura means the bearer is wary or uncertain of what the future holds. They are unsure of what lies ahead for them.

A royal blue aura means you are spiritually generous. You have a thing about you that makes people comfortable.

A light blue aura means you have an inner peace that spreads around you. People find serenity with you, and you also have an excellent skill for communication.

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A silver colored aura means the bearer is wealthy. Wealthy in different aspects and not necessarily material wealth. It could be intellectual wealth, spiritual wealth, physical wealth and many more.


A golden aura signifies divine protection. When you have a gold colored aura, it means you have divine beings and angels protecting and guiding you to becoming something greater.


Some might imagine that a black aura means the wearer is the devil himself. However, note that some colors mean a negative trait and not that the person them self is bad. It can only be that a part of their energy is affected, giving rise to a particular negative trait and not that the person is bad. Due to this, a black aura does not mean the bearer is a terrible person, it simply means they are holding on to bad or negative thoughts. It can also mean the person is sick or that they are having a grudge against someone.


A white aura means purity. Purity of the mind and body. People who have white auras are deep rooted in spiritual things. They are clean inside and out, and their hearts and thoughts are so pure.

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