Home Lifestyle Health 13 Scary Symptoms of A Nervous Breakdown You Should Never Ignore

13 Scary Symptoms of A Nervous Breakdown You Should Never Ignore

When we go about our daily activities and routines, we are faced and confronted with several situations and conditions. While some of these situations are pretty much easy to deal with, a lot of them are not so easy to handle. We may be subjected to a series of uncomfortable and disturbing scenarios on a daily basis, that we may not know when we are on the brink of mental and psychological exhaustion. On some occasions, we may be going through a nervous breakdown without our own knowledge. But know this, for every health risk you are going through, there are symptoms that come along with it.

These symptoms let you know that you need to take a break from what is causing the issue and take care of the problem. For nervous breakdown, we may not really understand its symptoms, but they are there nonetheless.

Below are 11 scary symptoms of a nervous breakdown you should not ignore.

1. You Have A Hard Time Making Decisions

Whether they are simple decisions like what to have for breakfast, or more serious decisions, having a hard time making up your mind about something is not such a good sign. It is one of the underlying symptoms that your mental state is not as fine as it used to be. This happens when you are constantly in a state of self doubt, where you do not have that confidence in your own abilities anymore, probably because of what you have been exposed to. When this happens, it is time to take a break and seek help.

2. Recurring Panic Attacks

The overwhelming feeling of fear or dread that comes up without notice, leaving you shaken and nervous is what is referred to as a panic attack. When it occurs regularly, then your psychological and mental state is up for questioning. When you are having a panic attack, a lot of thoughts race through your mind and even your breathing is labored. All these reactions are triggered by the imbalance of the nerves and mental state. You should see a doctor when you start noticing recurring signs of panic attacks.

3. You Fantasize About Escaping

First things first, you need to ask yourself what you hope to escape from. For you to have escape fantasies going on in your head, then your mind has already seen the situation as a threat to your wellbeing. You can only have such fantasies when you feel depressed or trapped in a situation. At this point, your mind tells you that you can no longer carry on and that you must let go or run away. When you begin to think this way, it shows that your state of mind has degraded beyond what you know. Seek help as soon as possible.

13 Scary Symptoms of A Nervous Breakdown You Should Never Ignore

4. You’ve Lost Your Way

By this, I do not mean you are physically lost on your way to a place. What this means is that you have lost your own path in life. You have lost your sense of self and feeling of being you. The question is, what makes you you? What are those things you derive joy in doing? We all have our own goals, accomplishments and plans, but when you can no longer relate or tell who you are or what you want for your own self and happiness, then it’s time to take a step back and rediscover your path.

5. Sleeping Problems

Sleeping pattern is one of the major indicators of a person’s mental condition. When a person is sleeping too much, it could be a sign of disease like Alzheimer, or a sign of over stress. But when you have insomnia, or you have trouble falling asleep, then it means your stress levels need to be looked into. It is a sign that your anxiety is taking its toll on your mental health. Ignoring this can prove to be more dangerous than you know.

Read page 2 for more symptoms



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