12 Archangels and their Connection With Each Zodiac Sign – From Aries, Leo to Pisces




The metatron cube, also known as the Merkabah, is entrusted to the archangel Metatron. Through this cube, known as an energy tool, the archangel uses it to remove low energies. This archangel is also responsible for knowledge of the mysteries of the universe. Also, they help in healing.



The archangel Jophiel is all about peace, harmony and beauty. This archangel has the sacred duty of beautifying your life, not through physical means, but by purifying your thoughts and actions. By the help of the archangel Jophiel, your life and inner thought will be purified and peaceful, bringing you joy from within.

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More like the heavenly version of the Egyptian god Anubis, the archangel Jeremiel is in charge of guiding the recently dead, and showing them the life they have lived so as to help them learn their lesson. Their duty is not restricted to the dead, even the living can get help reviewing their life in order to make their future better.



The archangel Raguel is in charge of settling disputes and disagreements. In plain terms, the archangel Raguel is the angel of peace. Their duty is restoring peace and harmony in disputed environment and homes.

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Archangel Azrael is the angel responsible for a special type of healing. They provide comfort and healing to those who have been aggrieved. For those who have lost a loved one or someone very close, this archangel will help you to deal with the grief.



The archangel Uriel is your go to source for creativity. They are known as the intellectual angels and are the ones that help you with inspiration, ideas and creative contents. They help you make decisions and also help make your life much more easier.

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This archangel is responsible for delivering our prayers and requests to God for answers. They take our pleas and messages to God and also deliver our answers back to us. Sometimes, when you hear a phrase or a word in your mind, it could be the answer you seek.

12 Archangels and their Connection With Each Zodiac Sign - From Aries, Leo to Pisces
12 Archangels and their Connection With Each Zodiac Sign - From Aries, Leo to Pisces
12 Archangels and their Connection With Each Zodiac Sign - From Aries, Leo to Pisces
12 Archangels and their Connection With Each Zodiac Sign - From Aries, Leo to Pisces
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