Don’t Start A Long Distance Relationship With Your Online Crush Until You Answered These Questions


Long distance relationships are not for everyone. While some may be willing to handle the long distance calls, messages and communication, some cannot. And for those who think they can, it is not just about saying or believing you love someone who is far away from you, there is a lot more than calls attached to it. So before you go into a long distance relationship, think about it, and ask yourself some questions about handling it. Here are some tips that will let you know if you can handle long distance relationships or not.

They Are Extremely Expensive

You may not know it or even feel it, but long distance relationships are expensive. The expenses are in times of money and time. You spend money on practically everything when you are in a long distance relationship, such as gas, call cards, data bundles etc. They may seem small, but the numbers pile up until you begin to see a huge amount of money. You may not realize how much you are spending, but if you are the type that is frugal, long distance relationship may not be for you.

You Must Be Willing To Compromise…a Lot

It is a normal thing that all relationships have compromise, but for long-distance relationships, there is a lot more compromise than the normal relationship. You would have to take certain decisions that you will not like and will not be conducive for you, but that is what must happen for the relationship to work.

The Bond Gets Stronger Each Time You Meet

Once you are involved in a long-distance relationship, it might be easier when you have not seen each other, but once you meet after a while, it becomes harder and harder to let go. It is almost as you are just meeting for the first time, and it would be harder to let go each time. However, technology has made it easier for long-distance partners to see each other and hear from each other more often.

Don't Start A Long Distance Relationship With Your Online Crush Until You Answered These Questions

You Might Face Misunderstanding From Friends And Family

If you have not experienced long-distance relationships, it would be difficult to understand people who are involved in it. The last thing a person involved in long-distance relationship needs is your criticism and judgements, they need understanding and support. As a partner of a long-distance relationship, you must be prepared to face lots of those misunderstandings and judgements.

You Will Doubt Yourself Occasionally

Sometimes you cannot help but wonder if you have lost your mind or if you are making a big mistake. You might ask yourself if you really want to spend the rest of your relationship over phone calls and video calls. Most times you just yearn for the physical presence of your partner, and you cannot help but wonder if you made the right decision by getting involved in a long-distance relationship.

Don't Start A Long Distance Relationship With Your Online Crush Until You Answered These Questions
Don't Start A Long Distance Relationship With Your Online Crush Until You Answered These Questions
Don't Start A Long Distance Relationship With Your Online Crush Until You Answered These Questions
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