Dating is actually a relationship- dating relationship, but there is an exclusive relationships which happens to be the bone of contention here. An exclusive relationship is a mutual agreement between two people that neither one is romantically pursuing other partners.
Exclusive relationship will say
“let’s stop seeing other people, and be committed to one another. There are several stages of dating; ‘hanging out’, ‘going out’, seeing where it leads and many others. But there is one stage that is important to be on the same page about- the definition of an exclusive relationship.
So, Do You Have To Be In An Exclusive Relationship With Someone You Are Dating?
You have to, if you want to take the next step and are not interested in seeing anyone else since you enjoy his or her company. But before you go exclusive, it is worth noting that exclusive relationship requires the consent of both parties involved- it is a mutual agreement, not just one person. You must both acknowledge that you are now in a relationship that is exclusive; where you commit to one another and come to agreement to respect the boundaries you set for each other.
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If you are interested in the relationship leading to marriage, you have to go exclusive. Infact, going exclusive will make define your relationship with him. Don’t assume you share the same definition of that relationship- it is dangerous to conclude that you know what they are thinking and feeling when you don’t ask.