9 Teachings of Confucius, That Will Effectively Alter Your Life Priorities


Confucius may sound like such a strange name, maybe even of a God. But Confucius was a man and a human just like we presently are. He lived quite a long time ago in China, and is regarded as one of their influential thinkers, whose story is still told till today. There are several quotes and teachings Confucius is known by, but here are about 9 of them that will effectively alter your life priorities.

1. To Be Wronged Is Nothing Until You Continue To Remember It

This quote or teaching is a very effective way of telling you that you will not grow if you continue to dwell on the past. If you have been wronged, no matter how hurtful it may be, try to forget it and move on. Only then can you truly find peace.

9 Teachings of Confucius, That Will Effectively Alter Your Life Priorities

2. Wherever You Go, Go With All Your Heart

This teaching inspires us to be diligent in everything we do. Whatever it is that we are doing, we should do it with all our heart and mind.

3. It Does Not Matter How Slowly You Go As Long As You Do Not Stop

The important thing is that you keep going. It does not really matter your speed, the important thing is that you do not stop. Eventually, you will get there.

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5. The Beginning Of Wisdom Is To Call Things By Their Proper Name

First learn to deal with your own flaws and insecurities before criticizing others. Most times, it is we that require more adjustment to our lives than others. Work on yourself first, before judging others.

5. The Beginning Of Wisdom Is To Call Things By Their Proper Name

In these days where we see a lot of things online or on social media, you must learn to understand that all is not as it is. You need to see reality for what it is. Do not dwell so much on fake news.

9 Teachings of Confucius, That Will Effectively Alter Your Life Priorities

6. Never Contract Friendship With A Man Who Is Not Better Than Thyself

We all need friends to get through in life. However, we should be careful with our selection of friends. The right friends will help you grow, whereas the wrong friends will bring you down.

7. When Anger Rises, Think Of The Consequences

It is so much easy to get upset and do or say something bad or terrible which we will only regret later. The next time you feel yourself getting angry, think of the possible consequences and calm down and retrace your steps.

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8. The Man Who Asks Questions Is A Fool For A Minute, The Man Who Does Not Ask Is A Fool For Life.

It is not a crime to ask questions when you are lost or confused. It is important to keep an open mind and continue to ask the right questions till you get the correct answer or the truth.

9. Don’t Do Unto Others What You Don’t Want Done To You

If you know you would not appreciate or like such treatment, then don’t do it to someone else. Whatever you do to anyone, you will get the same tenfold. It’s simple, treat others how you would like to be treated.

9 Teachings of Confucius, That Will Effectively Alter Your Life Priorities
9 Teachings of Confucius, That Will Effectively Alter Your Life Priorities
9 Teachings of Confucius, That Will Effectively Alter Your Life Priorities
9 Teachings of Confucius, That Will Effectively Alter Your Life Priorities
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