We all need best summer body, so No matter who you are and what goals you have planned for yourself — each and every one of us has to get up off work for the things we want. But the hardest part about working toward any goal is starting. It can feel impossible to want to do that to yourself every day.
Especially when it comes to exercise. We have to get our bodies used to working out again, which is never fun. It’s sore. It’s painful. It’s boring. But once you’re conditioned, exercising just becomes part of your daily routine.
45. Show it off.
“Don’t tell people your plans. Show them your rsults.” —Unknown
46. Keep this in mind.
“My summer body is in progress.” —Unknown
47. This is true.
“You are what you eat … So don’t be fast, cheap, easy, or fake!” —Unknown
48. Keep it going.
“A little progress each day adds up to big results.” —Unknown
49. Think about it.
“It comes down to one simple thing: How bad do you want it?” —Unknown
50. It all comes down to you.
“Believe in yourself & you will be unstoppable” —Unknown
By Rebekah Ludman is a writer and animal-lover who enjoys traveling. She’s a freshman at the California State University Long Beach majoring in journalism