3 Ways To End A Toxic Relationship Without Your Partner Knowing


She gave up a long time ago when they were drifting apart, now she needs something different than what she was getting while with him and she wants to move on. Now that she hears the whisper of death rattles through long periods of emotional disconnection, avoidance of sex, constant bickering or fighting, increasing times apart, and a vapid joylessness, in general, a toxic relationship. she is not ready to roll up her sleeves to wrestle these emotional demons. She is already empowered to move forward without the guy knowing. 

How can she do this without hell being loosed? Leaving without notice. Someone would ask why is she taking this decision and not putting it to his face? The truth is not everyone has the gut to break such news- it is never an easy feat. Regardless of what you try to do, a smart guy will see it coming.

So, how can you do this?

3 Ways To End A Relationship Without Your Partner Knowing

1. Keep Distance

Let there be less physical contact, if you have been meeting 4 times in a week before, half it to twice per week. There is every tendency that strong feelings starts evaporating since both lovers are no longer sharing quality time – -no more emotional bond as it was. The discussion is no longer ‘from heart to heart’, so there is a big chance the once emotional ties is becoming loosed.

Also read: 9 Teachings of Confucius, That Will Effectively Alter Your Life Priorities

2. Change Your Communication

Now you have to choose your words carefully and what to say, avoid leading him on more than you have already. Employ light words and not big, emotional words you have been using to relate with one another- you don’t have to ignore his calls yet. You only have to keep your talks simple and light, avoid deep emotional discussions. Target platonic kind of communication now.

i believe this two tips will help you end a toxic relationship without your partner knowing. thanks for reading.

3 Ways To End A Toxic Relationship Without Your Partner Knowing
3 Ways To End A Toxic Relationship Without Your Partner Knowing
3 Ways To End A Toxic Relationship Without Your Partner Knowing
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