Home Lifestyle Relationship 17 Relationship Concepts You Should Know

17 Relationship Concepts You Should Know

Now that love and its expression is seasonal, what was invalid many years ago is valid, now. Better put, Today’s love and relationship is unpredictable, love means something different to everyone; it looks and feel different to everyone. Before this generation, love only has one face and one meaning -in concept. But at a time like this, it is with many faces.

Read below, and assimilate some discoveries about toda’s kind of love and relationships.

1. Relationship Is No Longer Monogamous.

As it was before, those in relationships only have one sexual/romantic partner at a time. This traditional ways of relationship frowns at double-dating, it will be a shame if you are seeing more than one sexual partner in many generations back then. This generation has appeared with many types of relationship- talk of ‘friends with benefits’ relationship, ‘open’ relationship, polyandrous relationship and others.

The earlier you know and accept this, the less pain will come on you. Accepting this will help you to define your relationship type with your partner, maybe what you call ‘cheat’ is not actually cheat. Relationship is being run now in different types, so discuss this with your partner and know what type you are running.

17 Relationship Concepts You Should Know

Relationships today is no longer in the traditional ways.

2. Now, Long Distance Relationship Is Quite Worrying.

Due to the nature of this generation– I mean despite the presence of technologies that aid to be in touch with another undermining the long amount of distance separating two partners, there is a question mark on distance relationship. People need physical intimacy, more than ever. Nowadays, the commitment comes with physical touch. The distance does not matter in many years back, now, it is growing to become a bone of contention.

3. Relationship Can Be Sexless.

Past generation(s) engaged in this very concept of relationship, but it is now modified. some people of this generation don’t have sexual attraction to others, but they still want to participate in romantic relationship. Peradventure, you come across an asexual person- your relationship can be sexless under the person’s influence. There could be room for negotiation though, to see how the relationship can favor both parties.

4. Your Partner Needs To Be Vetted.

Consider and examine your choice of partner, more importantly, at a time like this. He could be a gay- -she could be a lesbian, wheras you are only a backup partner to them. It is quite okay to let you know it was never like this in ages past. But here we are, with another face of love relationship.



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