Home Lifestyle Astrology The Kind Of Parent You Would Become According To Your Zodiac Sign

The Kind Of Parent You Would Become According To Your Zodiac Sign

1. ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

Aries can’t wait to be a parent soon enough because of their special interest in child matters. They will be a good parent in their practical way of life as they lead the children on in an interesting way (the way the children will enjoy), naturally, Aries behaviour is childlike, so they can relate well with them.

2. TAURUS (April 20 – May 21)

They will replicate their essence here, which is producing conducive environment to their kids in all standard, but they should not do this in excess- the showering of comforts on these children should be moderate because Taurus has a tendency to overdo this.

3. GEMINI (May 22 – June 21)

They love their children to be sound academically and mentally. They are instructors who would always fill their children with moral instructions via several means; it can come in excursion/holiday in a learning environment, reading out school activities to them and others.

4. CANCER (June 22 – July 22)

They are obsessed with the safety of the family, which includes children welfare. Expect excess love from a Cancer to the children which is not always good. Over protectiveness is also in the picture.

5. LEO (July 23 – August 22)

Leo would catch fun with their children, they would always spend quality time with them in both indoor and outdoor activities. Leo children is expected to relax and enjoy more than other children.

6. VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

Virgos imparts excellence into their children and would do this intentionally. They will try to provide the children with all what they need for them to reach the level they expect of them. So they cater for their needs at the same time. Though they should be wary of asking too much from these children because of the sense of perfection they (Virgo) possess.

7. LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

A Libra parent knows so well how to manage and avoid a family crisis. They are good in parenting, always giving more kind and friendly solutions to developing problem in their children upbringing: they scold them with care and suitable (kind) words. However, Libra should learn how to discipline sometimes lest the child grow wings and take them for granted.

8. SCORPIO (October 23 – November 22)

They are aggressive and intentional in child upbringing upon the platform to make them strong and courageous, the children of this sign reach maturity stage quicker than others. Scorpions should soften their pedals with these children lest they end up being inconsiderate to others.

9. SAGITTARIUS (November 23 – December 21)

One sure thing Sagittarians will do to their children is providing them with options of life; they give them opportunities to try new things and would never tell them ‘it is impossible’. However, the children will not be grounded as they go about with many things; too much explorations but no stamina (structure).

10. CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 20)

A lot of demands and discipline will be instilled in these children, they make their children work their socks off in pursuing excelling and would never let them rest on their laurels. The children might not come out as the parent expected because of the tough and strict hands on them. They don’t have all time to have fun like other children.

11. AQUARIUS (January 21 – February 18)

Aquarians teach their children to be generous, they can give them anything. And these children develop this generous habit and would share what they have with others. 

12. PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

The children of Pisces are trained and groomed to live a quiet life just like they are. Yet they are resourceful as they would be taught to live a moderate life. Nothing whatsoever in excess.



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