It would be unfair to assume that males are more intelligent than females or vice versa, but it would be better to note some striking differences in the IQ of males and females.
Females, generally fall in the average level of intelligence. This does not mean the cannot be highly placed or lowly placed as the case may be, it simply means greater percentage fall within the average range. Men on the other hand, mostly fall in the extremes.
This means they can be either highly placed in the IQ range or lowly placed, possibly, but rarely in the average range.
When a person is stressed, their brain releases a hormone called oxytocin. When combined with the different gender hormones, it can give rise to different reactions. When combined with estrogen, as in females, it creates a calming effect on them.
However, when oxytocin is combined with the male testosterone, it creates a violent, angry feeling. This makes females better at handling stress than males.
Basically, the female and male brains have almost the same hormones and neurochemicals to process, with few exceptions am din varying quantities.
For example, the hormone serotonin, which is responsible for making someone stay still is greater in females than in males. This means males are less likely to sit still for a moment.
On the other hand, oxytocin and testosterone are present in both brains, however, oxytocin is larger in females than in males, while testosterone is greater in males.
This causes different behaviours and reactions to stress.
The parietal lobe which is larger in males, and is also responsible for visuals, places the males at an advantage, making it easier for them to visualize and imagine objects and images in 3D. It also helps them to visualize from different angles.
There are regions in the brain known as the Grey matter and the white matter. The Grey matters are specialized action processing centres that causes a sharp focus on a particular task or activity. The white matter on the other hand, is a grid of network, connecting the Grey matter and other action processing centres in the brain.
The male brains use about seven times of its Grey matter during activities or tasks and the females use about ten or more of their white matter. Ultimately, this means women are more able to multi-task at the same time, than men, who can only focus on one task at a time.
Men generally have more testosterone than women and this makes them more physically aggressive than females.
However, me are also weaker at controlling their violent and angry impulses than women. This is due to the larger size of amygdala in male brains than in females.
This amygdala has testosterone receptors than increases reactions, leading to more outbursts of physical aggression and less control over them.