The one flower Princess Beatrice will definitely have in her wedding bouquet


As May 29 approaches, we look forward to seeing Princess Beatrice walk down the aisle on the company of her father Prince Andrew to her fiancé Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi in a beautiful white wedding dress, fresh makeup look, possibly, a tiara and a bouquet. 

Did you know that all royals are expected to carry at least one sprig of myrtle in her wedding bouquet?

 This goes way back to 1840,when Queen Victoria married Prince Albert and many Royal Brides across the generations, from Her Majesty The Queen to The Duchess of Cambridge and The Duchess of Sussex, have chosen to carry a sprig of Myrtle in their bouquets.

Princess Eugenie, on her wedding day, also followed the long standing tradition in 2018. The Queen also carried a sprig of myrtle when she exchanged vows with Prince Philip in 1947 and also Sarah Ferguson when she married Prince Andrew in July 1986.

Another tradition that began with the Queen Mother, is that the bride’s bouquet  will be sent to Westminster Abbey after the nuptials, to be laid to rest on the Grave of the Unknown Warrior. This began when the Queen Mother married King George VI in 1923, she laid her bouquet on the tomb in memory of her brother Fergus, who was killed in 1915 at the Battle of Loos during the First World War. The grave stands as a tribute to those who lost their lives in the First World War and to all those who have died since in international military conflict.

Other information on Princess Beatrice’s wedding dress designer is still unknown but she could be seen following these traditions with a little touch of difference. We hope so! 

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