Controversial Nollywood actor Uche Maduagwu who has grown a reputation for always jumping on trending and controversial topics took to his Instagram page to state that God will bless the star actress with a bouncing baby boy in 9 months time as he can already hear the cries of a baby boy in her womb.
Dakore and husband |
According to the actor, Dakore is not just a colleague but a legend in Nollywood.
Uche advised her not to bother with the haters who are trying to break up her marriage by misleading the public with fake news, but remain prayerful as she is married to a great man who loves her.
He wrote:
“@dakoreea Your marriage is destined to #produce a bouncing and cute boy this year, no spiritual fulani herdsmen can break your marriage… They will try to mislead the public with all manner of #FakeNews just to break the fountain of #joy and #happiness in your #family because they have seen that God is about to give you a #handsome baby boy in 9 months time.”