Home Lifestyle Astrology The Zodiac Signs That Bask In Self Love.

The Zodiac Signs That Bask In Self Love.

There are 3 zodiac signs that express self-love more than others. 

They are not ready to give love, though they enjoy the showers of love people give them, but they will hold back in reciprocating the love blessing.

They care less with what is going on with you, they want to be the talk of the show, and they don’t mind stepping on toes to achieve their goals.

Is this you? Find out.

1. TAURUS (April 20 – May 21)

No one looks better than Taurus- as far as Taurus is concerned. They are confidently beautiful than others, and they will let you know this.

They like to be alone when capturing beautiful moments- so that the world can only see them; no second or third party will fight their place with them.

Nobody looks or rocks it better than them.

2. GEMINI (May 22 – June 21)

In as much as they seek love, they don’t give love. Also, they can hide under false pretense to hide their true feelings, so people assume they love people. They are not loyal and can end up loving three person at a go. Out of the three named person, the first and second person is themselves.

They enjoy conveniences and never ready to sacrifice for people. They can play smart and use you to get what you want. More so, Gemini is never stable- fluctuation is one of its most prevalent features.

3. LEO (July 23 – August 22)

Lions survive with self-pride which comes via self-love. Nobody can be compared to them- this is according to Leo.

They are not ready to look on you if you don’t have anything to offer, better still if they have works at hand. They can’t spare you time if they have something doing. Everything is all about them.

They put themselves first, then others follow. They can render help, but it will be after they are done with what they are doing.



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