7 Things To Know If You Are Dating A Leo Sign


Represented by the lion, Leos are the strongest of all the zodiac signs. There must be a reason why the sign is represented by none other than the lion itself. It must probably be because of their penchant for dominance and control. Even when it comes to love, Leos are strong as well as passionate. Here are a few things to note if you are dating a Leo.


Like lions, Leos are natural leaders. In every situation and at all times, they love to be in charge. If you are in a relationship with a Leo, or you plan to date one, you must know that Leos do not being told what to do. They prefer to be in charge than be a second. You would find that they work best with someone who would be happy to follow their lead.


Leos love attention. They love to be in the center of the spotlight. Everything has to and must revolve around them all the time. To them, it’s all about the ego and pride. They know they are good, and they do not hesitate to show it to others too. Most importantly, they love compliments.

7 Things To Know If You Are Dating A Leo Sign7 Things To Know If You Are Dating A Leo Sign


One of the good things about Leos is their strong passion, and their commitment towards achieving it. If you are dating a Leo, you must be able to see the ambition as much as they do and support it in any way you can. Leos need the push and support of their partner to achieve their dreams.


Leo is a fire sign. And like all fire signs, they tend to be a bit dramatic as well. It is still part of the whole attention thing. They do not falter when there are disputes and disagreements. They also ensure to come out top and victorious.

7 Things To Know If You Are Dating A Leo Sign7 Things To Know If You Are Dating A Leo Sign


Despite being fiery, proud and strong, Leos are very warm-hearted and affectionate to those close to them. If you treat them well, you will get the same treatment in return.


In the midst of all the drama, Leos are sensitive. Although they try to hide their sensitivity, one with a good eye can definitely see it. This is one of the reasons why it is important for understanding and respect to be present in a Leos relationship. Once the ground rules have been established, the partner will definitely pick up when the Leo has been hurt in some way.


A party is not complete without the Leo. Even a dull one can be transformed into a lively one with just the presence of a Leo. The bottom line remains that Leos love to have fun and to play. If you are in a relationship with a leo, get ready for a rollercoaster ride.


As much as Leos love being confident, they also like to see the same in their partners, close friends and family. Leos hate cowardice, and will do anything in their power to influence others positively into being confident and strong. When someone stands up for themselves, it is greatly admired and respected by Leos.

7 Things To Know If You Are Dating A Leo Sign

7 Things To Know If You Are Dating A Leo Sign


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