Zodiac Signs That Will Definitely Experience The Worst Year Of 2020 Ranked From Most To Last


2020 promises light, hope and abundant good news for all zodiac signs, nevertheless, there are some imperfections in the perfect world 2020 proposes to you. There will be moments of crisis, disappointment, troubles, failures, and loneliness- just accept this; it is what it is.

2020 brings career prosperity, financial breakthrough, achievements of long-term/short-term goals, higher level in one’s relationship/marriage life, good health, good friendship, these and much more are what will be your lots in the year to come (2020). 

However, there will always be opposite sides to the good words highlighted earlier. Be ready and brace up because there will be times when the blessings of 2020 will want to experience a turn in nose-dive- nevertheless, know that the moments can be salvaged. 

At a point in time, zodiac signs shall be stretched to the extreme point of making distress calls. It is just one of many things that will happen.

The compilation of this post makes you to see the future and to prepare a forehand. Read on and engage yourself in counter-attack measures. Infact, this is why this post is published for you.

1.  ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

You had plan and desire to take bold steps, but nothing is really forthcoming. You spend your whole time in what you have to do, and you actually get nothing done. You will struggle to make things work and happen; no slice of luck whatsoever on your side.

Your endeavors in the year will be directly opposite to your intents of mind- handwriting of failures all over the wall for you.

2. TAURUS (April 20 – May 21)

Memories of past failures will come back to haunt you, you will experience drastic changes –both in good and ill sense. You have to be stronger than the past year to really make 2020 a worthwhile. Fears and failures will look at you squarely, get ready to fight emotionally.

3. GEMINI (May 22 – June 21)

Hardwork is mostly your lot in 2020, you will not be totally contented with what you are doing; a mixed feeling of satisfaction and weariness will come upon you, you will lose control over some things as in the case of your love life. Nevertheless, always believe better days ahead.

4. CANCER (June 22 – July 22)

Though 2020 promises you good development and growth, but you have to dwell much longer in the zone of patience. You will easily become frustrated, and memories of past bad events overwhelm you and prevent you from having hopes for good days that lurk around for you in 2020. 

5. LEO (July 23 – August 22)

Betrayers are snuffing around you, it is unfortunate that they will be the one you so much trust and confide in- in place of work and career most especially.

They lurk around, waiting for you to make mistake(s), then they go on rampage and bring out their true colors. Most of the times, you will be on your knees as you wallow in self-pity. 

Make sure you don’t cast all your eggs in one basket. Don’t be too certain!

6. VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

Grip of fear will hold onto you in getting many things done, most of the times, you will know what to do, but you don’t how to get them done. Your decision making is poor and a lot of time is wasted in your planning time. You become a shadow of yourself; you will lose control of many things.

7. LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

People that matter in your life are no longer part of your life. You lose your social powers and influence.

Love! Love is lost between you and your loved ones, no more attractions that once attracted you and your loved ones to one another.

You will then suffer when you are adjusting to this new life of a loner that is now yours. Nevertheless, don’t lose hope, latter months of the year may conjure up something at your mercy.

8. SCORPIO (October 23 – November 22)

You will live and be lonely for the most parts of 2020, some familiar faces will no longer be there for you. You are all alone by yourself. You will fight in adjusting to this strange situation because you are never used to it.

9. SAGITTARIUS (November 23 – December 21)

Burdens will cling to you, you have tried all possible ways to avoid them, but naturally, they (the burdens) insist coming to you. You will not be free as you had love to and ought to. You will also lose people, however you have what it takes to fall through.

10. CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 20)

You will have to fight hard in 2020, you have to dare life and engage in many risks. What you are up with now is what you will still find yourself doing in the year 2020. Your life is not attracting changes or developments whatsoever, so the advice for you is what you want to see yourself doing in the year ahead (2020). Start now!

11. AQUARIUS (January 21 – February 18)

2020 is a year where realities set to your face, you will come to realise that it is high time you engage in some things and walk out of some things, the huge changes that await you will come with pains and inconveniences, especially in your love story.

12. PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

You will labor in 2020 like never before, many responsibilities await you. You shall sweat in meeting up demands and expectations. A rough path in your family and home. You will sacrifice many things- money, time, emotions, and resources. 2020 demands a whole of you. It requires you to be bold in your endeavors, and be ready to be responsible for your decisions.

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