Zodiac Signs That Live A Double Life RANKED, SO DON’T BE FOOLED



#the doppelgänger

The Gemini as twins is a ghostly double of character that contradicts one another. Can you really know the personality of a Gemini? You can only say little about them, you can’t cast all your cares on them because they can be easily influenced and come off the rail of their plans. They are not reclusive to change, on the other hand, they admire it.

As one of the mutable signs out there, they are always changeable with little or no help from themselves.


#the mirror

Since Libra and Venus (the planet of love and beauty) are inseparable, they are inseparable because it is Venus that rules over Libra. They are not really what you think they are, they seek balance in all that surround them.

If this is not achieved yet, their personality and approach might alter until what they seek is achieved. They go as far as employing other people’s methods and formulas to make things work as they have loved.


#the dark-arts master/mistress

Scorpio is a deep and mysterious being, so difficult to understand but s-he understands you more. They communicate and interact with things out of this world because they Scorpions are ruled by Pluto, which is known to be the god of the underworld.

They put on different costumes- depending on where they find themselves and the works at hand. They want to have you under control and would feign and fake their personalities to actually get you. They employ hypnotism, they scan you and are already in your heart.

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