Home Lifestyle Astrology What 2020 Has In Store For You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

What 2020 Has In Store For You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

To some people, what goes around in the past year might not come around in 2020; yet it can still come around to some. 2020 will be full of ups and downs, but also not short of blessings and avalanche of successes


What is your lot in the year 2020 based on your birth month? You have to know, and this is what this post is informing you- to know your lot.

1. ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

You stand a chance to be angrier in 2020 than the previous years; you had plan and desire to take bold steps, but nothing is really forthcoming. You spend your whole time in what you have to do, and you actually get nothing done. You will struggle to make things work and happen; no slice of luck whatsoever on your side.

Your endeavors in the year will be directly opposite to your intents of mind- handwriting of failures all over the wall for you.

2. TAURUS (April 20 – May 21)

You just have to be optimistic; remain positive even when the clouds are stormy. A mixed feeling of satisfaction and weariness will mostly be what you will experience, you will lose control over some things as in the case of your love life. Nevertheless, hope is not lost if you remain positive.

3. GEMINI (May 22 – June 21)

Welcome to 2020 that gives you comfort. You will have a good romantic love story, your pasts no longer hurt and you can smile now (in all spheres of your life).

Your love story is so lucky in the year 2020. Be yourself, go do your things with confidence.

4. CANCER (June 22 – July 22)

You will be betrayed and you will lose your confidence in people, you have to be appreciative to people that really matters in your life lest you live to regret abandoning them. As in your case, you have to be tolerant and forgiving to really make huge steps. You will mostly be on the receiving end.

5. LEO (July 23 – August 22)

Your relationship (love) in 2020 is better than the past year(s). Be bold to do those things you are afraid of for your good-luck charm is here. Happiness, fulfilment and self-admiration feel your life. 2020 is a great year for you.

6. VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

You will feel lonely; becoming stranger even in a friendly/familiar environment. People that matter in your life are no longer part of your life. You lose your social powers and influence. You will lose your social influence; love will be lost between you and your loved ones, no more attractions that once attracted you and your loved ones to one another.

7. LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

Things will happen; things will occur. There are times you will feel awkward towards love, your belief about love would change. You have to really sit tight with your seat belt if you don’t want to fall out of love.

Basically, it will be you against the multitude. They will come for you and backstab you. Get ready for challenges from any person – don’t be so sure that a particular person cannot do you wrong, never let down your guard. 

8. SCORPIO (October 23 – November 22)

People will come and go respectively- you will let go of some companies, yet you will welcome some companies. Your life will be interesting, you can be hopeful and delighted of what will become your lot in the year ahead. Your desire to make things happen is high on point. As said earlier, you will lose people, likewise you will be enriched with new people.

9. SAGITTARIUS (November 23 – December 21)

Nothing really new about year 2020 for you, you will find yourself maintaining the momentum you are moving with now.  Don’t be afraid to take risks. Regardless, you will finish 2020 well and strong.

10. CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 20)

2020 is a year where realities set to your face, you will come to realise that it is high time you engage in some things and walk out of some things, the huge changes that await you will come with pains and inconveniences, especially in your love story. 

Practise solitude, if you want to enhance your productivity. 

11. AQUARIUS (January 21 – February 18)

2020 will smile and spread luck over you. Things will happen in a positive sense for you, there are some changes that have to take place- work and business, career. New paths await your love story and you will be glad you tread on it.

12. PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

2020 promises you what you have been missing, your life will receive a huge boost, especially in your love part. You will experience positive growth – though it will be achieved by the virtues of sacrifice and hard work.

Financial enlargement will take place but you have to hone your skills and abilities to boost your chances of living large.



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