Historically, men are intoxicated with new resolutions upon entering a new year, 2020 is reaching its end in days to come, and you have already planned for the onrushing 2021. It’s good you have planned, but what is better is to make sure your plans are fulfilled by the time 2021 will end its cycle.
There are words as ‘mottos’ that you must bind around your neck as you are gaining entrance into the year 2021, that all your plans may be fully executed, and looking far ahead of you for you, herein is the compilation of those things you have to beware, because they have the propensity to snatch those dreams you can’t wait to live from you. Read and make sure you forget not.
1. ARIES (March 21 – April 19)
#Tame Your Anger!
Aries can let the hell lose its darkness upon slight activities, your stubbornness that makes you passionate in getting things done can also affect and give you regrets. Your number resolution for the year to come is to ‘tame your anger’ lest your supposed written resolutions will not be achieved. Be more lenient, calmer and be ready to give people chance(s).
This is the number thing you have to do, then your desires and achievements will follow through.
2. TAURUS (April 20 – May 21)
#Don’t Be Too Materialistic!
Remember not all that glitters is gold, life is beyond the physical things you are craving for, you might look for fulfilment and find it missing in what you can behold. Running after material things is not the end of the world, there’s more to it, control and caution yourself- your blessings are also disguised in people; covet good friendship and relationship. Value people that comes your way and you will live a better life.
3. GEMINI (May 22 – June 21)
#Be a Gentle Friend of Time!
Don’t force things to happen, take your time to make things happen. After giving your best, let ‘time’ take its time to reward you. Don’t be hasty, in 2020, patience is the number one virtue you must have. Know when to act and react, this simple act will conjure magical and adorable experiences up for you. Things will not always go your way- know this and learn how to wait.
4. CANCER (June 22 – July 22)
# Love Yourself!
You have many things to gain if you adore yourself- it makes you believe in yourself the more. You have been kind and bestowing love on people, now is the time to give yourself the doses of medicine you have giving to others. Amongst order of priorities, put yourself first- this does not mean you are selfish depending on your nature. But you are simply leading others on to that you need to feel loved as well.
5. LEO (July 23 – August 22)
# Don’t Exude Too Much Confidence!
Confidence is good but overconfident can fail you- ofcourse it’s been failing over time, just don’t be its victim again. Confidence births self-esteem, but doing it overly is termed ‘arrogant’. Are you really sure of what you want to do? You can be a bit humble and you will find yourself treading on soft ground, also you will win many people over to yourself.
6. VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)
# Learn When To Let Go!
You can’t always be in control, there are times you will need to stop giving instructions, but to take some- do this intentionally. Sometimes, choose to be in the crowd- fun awaits you there, be flexible, we all know you are a disciplined fellow, yet loose up a bit and see yourself in another view you will mostly enjoy.
7. LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)
# It Is In You!
What you seeks around and keep looking for in people, the original version of it is inside you. You love it when people adore and go along well with you, but most of the time, things will always happen. The best happiness and sigh of relief you seek is in you. Give it to yourself first, then you can see it in the faces of other people, and can give them as well.
Give yourself first what you expect from others!
8. SCORPIO (October 23 – November 22)
# Never Walk Alone!
You are really an independent individual who can make virtually everything happen with little or no help, you are a master of your world, nobody can touch your heart without your permission- it is a good thing, also a good virtue. But you are enjoin now not to be a lone stranger in your familiar world. Give people a chance of doubt. Feel loved, people want melt your heart with acts of love, don’t push them away.
Actually, not everyone worths you, also some really worth you- don’t deprive them of their rights. You will also see a funny side of yourself.
9. SAGITTARIUS (November 23 – December 21)
# Be Truth to Yourself!
You don’t have to shy away from the truth, you have been doing this before now, and you have to stop now. Be bold, see things as they are, hit the nail on the head and face the realities before you squarely. Don’t be devastated with activities that happen around you.
You are stronger than you are, and you can do better than you have been doing- brace up! Man up! Woman up! And yield to the clarion call(s).
10. CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 20)
# Take a Second Glance At Work!
A Capricorn is a workaholic, its good, but work is not the end road of fulfilment and success. There are other things in life that deserves your time fully well as well – why would you concentrate on work only? Many things also matter in life outside work- -friendship/relationship, home and family.
Forget not and create time for other things as well, learn to take a second or third glance at work. It is not an offence to take rests where and when necessary.
11. AQUARIUS (January 21 – February 18)
# Know Your Limitations!
You cannot do everything, know your areas of strength and weakness respectively, then dwell more on the former one. Don’t take on many things also, you will just grow weary in no time soon. Learn to let go of some things, even information. Know your boundaries and where to say ‘NO’, it does not mean you are weak, rather it tells you are wise,
12. PISCES (February 19 – March 20)
# Take a Back Seat!
Most often, you always meet the needs of people when they reach out to you for help, thus you remain a popular and loved figure amongst family and friends. It is good to help and give support, but not at the detriment of your lot. Withdraw a bit where necessary, you don’t always have to respond to situations as they come.