The Ideal Person For You In Relationship And Life In 2020 Based On Your Zodiac Sign


Not all people are meant for you in 2020, you should know your quality time shouldn’t be wasted. Spend it with the right people.

This article provides you with updates on who to associate and de-associate yourself from.

1. ARIES (MARCH 21 – APRIL 19)

It won’t be great to be in love with Aries now, they have purposed in their minds to be alone, no remarkable steps/efforts in their love life. They will not give you what you deserve in relationship- from attention and meeting your needs/wants.

Expect no radical change in their love life.

2. TAURUS (APRIL 20 – MAY 21)

You are lucky to be in a relationship (friendship) with Taurus. You enjoy sincerity, protection, love, commitment at all times. You really have a great treasure in Taurus, either as a lover or a friend.

3. GEMINI (MAY 22 – JUNE 21)

As we all Geminis are social butterflies that would always have fun- fun and spark is guaranteed, at the early stage of your relationship with a Gemini, you will sure have something to write home about in terms of enjoyment, lively and lovely moments in your relationship, but as your relationship is getting older with him/her, Gemini will feel bored, they want to go for another adventure.

A heartbreak is much more on the line when you are in a relationship with Gemini.

4. CANCER (JUNE 22 – JULY 22)

Looking at Cancer, they are ever ready to love. Since they are empathetic and never afraid to give/show love. It will be a great scene if you are joined with a Gemini, your social and emotional needs will be met.

They really have what it takes to love, not without some bumps though. Regardless, you are not making a bad choice if you opt for them.

5. LEO (JULY 23 – AUGUST 22)

They are known for their unending desires to be at the centre of attention, they take interests in themselves more than others, and this might get into your way in having a relationship with them. Not that the obsession they possess is totally bad- it helps to make things happen as things will fall through eventually because of their ever burning passion. Their obsessions is also why people want to be with them.


Virgos want to love, but they don’t know how to love here, they can mishandle you and value you less. Nothing like any romantic moves from their end, they are poor in sparking a life to a relationship. You will always feel this is not the life you want to live romantically- so you will find enough reasons to take to your heels.


They are simply all what you admire and seek when it comes to dating, all people want to have them close, and be their partner in relationship. They are reliable, loving, and cool enough for all zodiacs.

They make a great companion to everyone, indeed.


Naturally, they fight for what they believe in, if they are with you, you can be rest assured that your interests are secured and protected. They are real and won’ fake emotions and feelings. What you see them confessing is what is on their heart, really.

They are also passionate in what they do, and you will see in them enough reasons to go on a life changing journey with them.


They go out for fun as well in all that they do, there may not be enough reason for you to commit into a relationship with them because of their lackadaisical attitude. You don’t really know what is up with them per decision- on one hand, they look like players, and on the other hand, they look ready and committed.

You have to decide for yourself here.


They can work and are ambitious- this is a good personality. However, the work they enjoy doing may take their quality time away from you, hence you are mostly on your own, yearning for quality time always.


Intellectually- they are there, emotionally- they are nowhere to be found. They lack emotion for now, and if you want to safeguard your emotions and feelings, they are not a good candidate for you as the case is now.


Iron will meet iron if you are in a relationship with Pisces, the Fishes are in dire need of a good relationship, if you want one as well, then you are not making bad choice in choosing Pisces as a candidate. You both have with you the need(s) of one another.

Since there is a spark already in you both, a blazing fire with romantic flames will erupt.

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