Here what really happened between the Queen and Princess Anne


The royals were rumoured to have had a dispute at Buckingham PalaceWe shared a clip from the 70 year anniversary NATO alliance reception held at Buckingham Palace, this is the real incident that explains the video that went viral on Twitter from the royal house. 

Apparently the Queen’s daughter was not part of the official welcoming party, and the monarch was looking to see which guest was next. Mr Trump, was the last of the NATO leaders in the queue to be greeted by the Queen, the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall in the palace’s Music Room.  For this reason Princess Anne,raised both her hands in the air, laughed and remarked: “It’s just me”, before adding: “And this lot”, pointing to the members of the household behind her.

The Queen then turned to point to the Deputy Master of the Household, Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Charles Richards, and Lord Chamberlain Earl Peel – the most senior official of the royal household, who were waiting behind her.

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