The Kind Of Dumbboy He Will Be According To His Zodiac Sign


The Kind Of Dumbboy He Will Be Ranked From The Most To Least According To His Zodiac Sign

They appear to be void of using good judgement after they have gotten what they want from you and treat you like you have never been on their hearts.


The Fishes will placate you with all they have in possession, just to see you dance to their tunes. They appear as the coolest guy and dream man for you.  But after being his, his behavior changes, he becomes a total stranger to you,

he treats you as if you are not existing and highly devalue you. He makes you feel worthless as you continually think it through where you have fall short of his love. Your heart and eyes will be soaked in tears all times until you run from him.


Another user of zodiac signs that attract female friends at the beginning, but a smart woman would take to her heel when the time eventually comes. They looked incapable of hurting a fly talk less of wounding a heart. He plays a victim game and make sure he pollutes your decision, that you may find your love life despicable. He later handles you in such a way that you nothing good can comes out of you to him, you harbor intra-personal conflict which really kills you right from the inside. Aquarians will do all these to you after he must have had you to his advantage first.

The Kind Of Dumbboy He Will Be Ranked From The Most To Least According To His Zodiac Sign


They are aggressive in getting what they want, after you have served them (meeting their needs), then they let you know you are one of the many spoils they conquered on the struggle field- and they will start treating you as one. He plays the life of a savior and boss, regardless of how many years you’ve been with him as a lady or what you’ve offered him or what he has extorted from you, he will run you over to reciprocate all that with no iota feeling of empathy.


Experts in discarding ladies after use, after meeting their needs in all wise (socially, sexually, emotionally, financially), and they already seems to have enough of you already, then you are abandoned for another new cat fish they just catch with their trap-net. Even at the very point of your nose, they check on other ladies. He has already taken advantage and he is moving on if you are not ready to move on. Nothing like commitments.

The Kind Of Dumbboy He Will Be Ranked From The Most To Least According To His Zodiac Sign


From the umpteenth time, Scorpio’s love has never been real- it always come with a string attached. Maybe you are a public figure, a beautiful diva and a rich and crazy queen. Any of this could be the reason why a Scorpio is attracted to you in the first place, and after getting enough of any of what is listed above, then they put an end to their love drama and show their real face. He is a fun lover and always proud of his achievements in fun-making.


He is a deep and reclusive man, he does not project his thoughts, feelings and emotions in a transparent mode for you to know what he’s really up to. So often, you are right to doubt his commitment in the love relationship you have with him. Spend eternity with him, you will always be faced with this puzzle. Maybe he’s no longer interested in you after many years together.


To a Virgo, he does not really see you as a treasure to value, he thinks the other way round (that it is you-lady who should feel indebted to him for loving you). Regardless of many years you have spent together or you intend spending together, there will be no improvements in your love relationship with him. You remain on the surface of ocean of love, you are and not going deep. He will never feel ready to do more for you since he has had enough of you already.

8. LEO

You cannot stop a Leo from hurting your emotions as he tries to commit to another love relationship even in your knowledge. He sees nothing wrong in doing so. Leo’s good sense of judgement is always missing when he is in a flirt mode, so after all is said and done. He will have a reason for crushing your emotions for someone else, and maybe with no ‘sorry’.


Cancer are known ‘never to have enough’, if he craves for attention and you give him little, he is never contented and already have the cause to cling on to someone else just so soon. Their personality-clique is you can never do or be enough for them, they have insatiable desires and wants that are usually out of reach for their partners. So they walk away on the basis of you not giving them enough, after they must have drained you of your energy, time, attention and resources.


The Twins are difficult to handle, at a given time, you are the most essential and important being in their life, in the next few hours, they had already forgotten you are existing- What a show! So usually, you don’t get to know your place or position (what you really mean to them). As a lady, maybe you are no longer existing in his mind, you seldomly become the most essential person in his life when he is in need of you, afterwards you are a trash.


He cares less, and he always put the lights off you when it matters (when it is show time). This is not how he was or behave at the beginning of your love relationship with him. But how come he no longer value you, you don’t have a say. The answer is because he has enough of you (in bed, giving him your resources and attentions, time and energy). Before, he appeared as if he is the one in need of you, but now he appears as if you are the one in need of him.


He only enjoys killing time off with you, after he leaves your presence, he never thinks of you again. The next time you come into his thoughts is when he wishes to have another good time. You are never a priority to him, and has never have future plans for you.

By Ola Moses

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