TOP PREDICTION FOR EACH ZODIAC SIGNS: Your Daily Horoscope From Tuesday 29th Sept. 2019 To Friday 1st Nov.


TOP PREDICTION FOR EACH ZODIAC SIGNS: Your Daily Horoscope From Tuesday 29th Sept. 2019 To  Friday 1st Nov.

TUESDAY TO FRIDAY General Daily Predictions:

The Moon from Libra squared Saturn; from Virgo opposed the Retrograde Neptune, formed a hexagon with Sun.

The past 3 days are tensed and with stress energies, nevertheless, with some good points. There is a good chance for those who respond with good attitude.

Libra, Virgo are lucky of the 3 days. Pisces and Capricorn are on the stress-receiving end.

Aries’ Past 3 Days Predictions:

Health is surrounded with stress and daunting energies, even more so emotional life needs support. Work and related names give you troubles. Nevertheless, there is a hope. Love life is beneficial.

Taurus’ Past 3 Days Predictions:

Good days for health related matters. Healing is present regardless of what might come up. Social life fluctuates, love life, studies, work, business, career receive good and pleasant energies. 

TOP PREDICTION FOR EACH ZODIAC SIGNS: Your Daily Horoscope From Tuesday 29th Sept. 2019 To  Friday 1st Nov.

Gemini’s Past 3 Days Prediction:

Business, and work are with good energies, loved ones are supportive, love life surrounded with beneficial and inspiring energies. But you will be a bit challenged- just a little challenge.

Cancer’s Past 3 Days Prediction:

Transportation and its means surrounded with unpleasant and unsupportive energies, social life good and active. Home and family are with so-so energies. A mix of love and argument. Regardless, the days are so beneficial for you.

Leo’s Past 3 Days Prediction:

Take caution with transportation; potential health and body injuries. Productive and stressful energies surround business, work and career. Maximise your financial ability and capacity on these days, else…….

TOP PREDICTION FOR EACH ZODIAC SIGNS: Your Daily Horoscope From Tuesday 29th Sept. 2019 To  Friday 1st Nov.

Virgo’s Past 3 Days Prediction:

Good energies accompany love life. Financial breakthrough- not breakdown, decisions related to source of income prove and come successful.

Libra’s Past 3 Days Prediction:

Inner energies function well, so you are full of strength from the inside, home and family come with disappointments and undue stress. While money pays well- good energies. Dwell more on the positives than negatives anyway (most especially, in home and family matters).

Scorpio’s Past 3 Days Prediction:

Work, business and career receive influential and beneficial energies. Good energies in social life. Be intentional with your creativity skills on these days to really stand a chance to live a better life in these 3 days.

TOP PREDICTION FOR EACH ZODIAC SIGNS: Your Daily Horoscope From Tuesday 29th Sept. 2019 To  Friday 1st Nov.

Sagittarius’ Past 3 Days Prediction:

Financial life is not interesting, despite work and business receive good energies- this could be because customers and clients will owe you debt or put you on some credit sales.

Capricorn’s Past 3 Days Prediction:

These days provide you the fruits of the sown seeds accordingly- no gain, no loss. The amount of work you put in your attitude (related to work, business, career, social life, health, transportation) is the result you have. These days are really natural.

TOP PREDICTION FOR EACH ZODIAC SIGNS: Your Daily Horoscope From Tuesday 29th Sept. 2019 To  Friday 1st Nov.

Aquarius’ Past 3 Days Prediction:

Beneficial and auspicious energies surround transportation. Good and better energies surround work, business and career. Money receive challenges (you will see money, but most of the time you spend it immediately).

Pisces’ Past 3 Days Prediction:

Searching for a new pasture (work related) receiving auspicious energies and best days to make it happen. Though this is not the case for business owners. Incomes are alive. Family and home activities birth new experiences.

By Ola Moses

TOP PREDICTION FOR EACH ZODIAC SIGNS: Your Daily Horoscope From Tuesday 29th Sept. 2019 To  Friday 1st Nov.

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