Meghan Markle Plastic Surgery – Nose Job, Teeth – before and after

Meghan Markle Plastic Surgery – Nose Job, Teeth – before and after

Meghan Markle Plastic Surgery – Nose Job, Teeth – before and after. Here are 11 photos proves that Meghan has gone under the knife before she became a member of the royal family. before and after looks good but there is something different when you look close enough. below are photos that proves nose job, teeth, eyebrow,

Meghan Markle Plastic Surgery – Nose Job, Teeth – before and after

Meghan Markle Plastic Surgery – Nose Job, Teeth – before and after

Meghan Markle Plastic Surgery – Nose Job, Teeth – before and after


Meghan Markle Plastic Surgery – Nose Job, Teeth – before and after

Meghan Markle Plastic Surgery – Nose Job, Teeth – before and after
Meghan Markle Plastic Surgery – Nose Job, Teeth – before and after
Meghan Markle Plastic Surgery – Nose Job, Teeth – before and after


Meghan Markle Plastic Surgery – Nose Job, Teeth – before and after

Meghan Markle Plastic Surgery – Nose Job, Teeth – before and after
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  1. She appears to be wearing makeup- like most women do. Changing the color of her eyeliner, shaping her eyebrows, and whitening her teeth are in no way cosmetic surgeries. If anything, it could be possible she at one point had a very minor (and extremely well done) rhinoplasty, something many (if not all) actresses do, but I don’t think so. She can also achieve this affect to her nose with makeup techniques like contouring and shading. Any good makeup artist can do this and she has access to the very best in the business. She looks slightly older, and that she’s changed her style and gotten better makeup artists. I don’t see surgery here. I feel like people simply want to drag her apart. Same with her sister – she shows one picture of her from years ago and that’s supposed to prove…what? That they’ve met? I’m sure they have. I grew up without my brother and know almost nothing about him, yet there are still pictures taken the times we’ve been together that make us look like happy siblings. The attacks on her and her character from a sister who decided to change her last name back to Markle RIGHT as Meghan dated Harry seem a lot like a woman desperate to keep 15 mins of fame going for her.

    • Thank you for your very poignant and truthful response. I also believe everything that you stated. Meghan is a beautiful woman and people are jealous so they want to tear her down as opposed to building her up. Even if she did have rhinoplasty, that is her choice. I’ve always wanted to have rhinoplasty as I broke my nose when I was young and it never healed properly. I chose not to because I felt that the “bump” gave me character. Unfortunately as I got older it turned into a severely deviated septum so I had no choice in having surgery. I’ve had several surgeries due to sports related injuries on my shoulder, knee and ankle but the surgery for a deviated septum was by far the worst pain I’ve ever experienced including natural childbirth. So I give credit to anyone who chooses to have rhinoplasty as it is not an easy, pain free surgery. Quite the opposite of you ask me.

    • From listening to experts who came across as very neutral, I’d agree and say most likely she’s had a nose job and veneers. But would point out – so what! The rest seems nonsense, if she chooses to wear makeup what’s the issue? If she changes colour again so what. As usual I think people get carried away where Meghan is concerned. Her life, her face, live and let live

    • From listening to experts who came across as very neutral, I’d agree and say most likely she’s had a nose job and veneers. But would point out – so what! The rest seems nonsense, if she chooses to wear makeup what’s the issue? If she changes colour again so what. As usual I think people get carried away where Meghan is concerned. Her life, her face, live and let live

  2. This is silly. This is makeup, not cosmetic surgery. Her eyebrows can be reshaped, her eyeliner color changed, her teeth whitened – these are non surgical and common things women do to their appearance. If she had any surgery at all it’s possible she had a very subtle rhinoplasty (in which case it was done by an excellent surgeon, as it looks natural). What actress doesn’t have some kind of “corrective” surgery to make themselves as attractive as possible? Lot more likely she simply has the world’s best makeup artists at her disposal, and they are simply contouring and shading, which would produce the same effect. Not sure why so many tabloids and others are desperate to find things to criticize. She can’t just be a beautiful woman – regardless of random strangers who don’t even know her and their personal opinions? I wonder how the rest of us would rank if it were us being dissected by the entire world for everything from our personal family relationships to our eyeliner to any mistake we may have ever made in our entire lives. Odd because Kate looks different as well and I haven’t read the article about how her teeth are whiter or how her face has changed….

  3. Definitely all enhancements including rhinoplasty and veneers. No way this is make up strictly. You can see the shape of her nose has changed to a thinner shape including her nostrils and even her teeth are slightly different. Teeth don't whiten to that degree because of the color of the dentin underneath the enamel. She has access to excellent care and why is this a big deal in the first place? Regular people as well as celebs do this all the time – it is not a crime to change our looks to enhance our features and make us feel good and like how we look. She is gorgeous and definitely under the scrutiny of the public eye, so yes why not her too? Big deal! Btw, plastic surgery is excellent these days and is designed to make it look so natural you can't tell 😉

  4. Meghan tienen muchas cirugias de nariz y carillas las fotos de ella joven tiene una gran separacion en los dientes, la nariz ancha y el cabello super rizado son herencia de su lado afroamericano y no entiendo por que si pregona estar tan orgullosa de ser hija de una mujer afroamericana se opera tanto la nariz,se cambia los dientes y siempre alisa su cabello o usa extencione y pelucas, por que no aparece en publico con su pelo rizado por que como meghan lo dicen en una video es un gran fraude

  5. She’s a 46 yr old serial divorcee and an exEpstein hooker ,everything that comes out of this evil Wretch’s mouth is a lie , ..She should never have been allowed to marry into our Royal family .

  6. Who cares? How does this affect any of y’all who are critical of her? If she was going to do plastic surgery, she should’ve gone for a boob job. That would be easy to see, and still nobody’s business.

  7. It is typical of men who has limited knowledge of makeup and photography to criticize women, saying they had all sorts of plastic surgery. Most of you have absolutely no idea of how much ordinary makeup can change a face. Just by using one single brownish contour or blush, I made myself completely unrecognizable for everyone. People that almost saw me daily came up to me and introduced themselves. One single color guys! Just imagine switching out your eyeliner, lashes and lip pen, and you can get anyone to say you had a brow lift, lip fillers, nose job etc.

    The angle of the face when photographed can look widely different from one picture to another. The same person can look twenty pounds fatter just by lowering the shooting point, and if the person looks down while you have a higher shooting point, the nose will look so much longer. I can easily make someone look obese by photographing them in a certain light and angle.

    Then we have photoshop. There are enough Markle haters out there among editors and paparazzis to add on some extra smile lines and elongate her nose out of spite. Like we see in some of these photos.

    There has probably never been a more ridiculed and hated person in any monarchy than this poor woman. I can completely understand if she felt pressured to do certain surgeries, knowing that part of the Firm are racists and never ever would accept her. If that is what it took for her to feel more comfortable, so what? Does it really matter to us?

    I believe that she has not done every surgery she is accused of, but rather uses makeup for what it is worth to enhance her looks. A tiny line from a lipliner is all it takes to make the thinnest lips look juicy and plump, one drop of the right eye serum and wrinkles disappears in an instant. (So called Cinderella effect, it only works for some hours).

    To me she is a confident and intelligent woman who refuse to fit into the British iron corset they force every female of the royal family to wear. She is a much warmer person who never could conform to the rules of never talking to common people or have eye contact with them. Narrow minded British tabloid journalists would not dare to do anything but to bully her, as they are in bed with the Firm and know that going against the Firms wishes would end them.

  8. I agree with all the positive responses. While I can’t tell what’s been done even in the side-by-sides, what celebrity hasn’t had some work, and several with disastrous results. If anything, those snobby A-listers whose superstitions may be leaving Meghan & Harry off their party lists, are now wanting her to identify her surgeon who performed spectacularly.



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