What Love Means To You Based On Your Zodiac Sign


Love being one of the most important aspects of life is really an object of mockery to some; others see it as a subject of worship. You never know which is yours until you are conscious of your zodiac sign and how it influences your love life.

However, you can say this is true or otherwise- -but remember that to every rumor, there will always be a shadow of truth. Do you know of those ages astrologers that once predicted a king is born upon seeing the star and went about to present unto him gifts; gold, frankincense, and myrrh?- I leave you to complete this. So therefore, never cast this post away. It will do you good.

Why is love economical to some and others have another perspective to it? Maybe it’s high time you know why you are in love like that – -this article is to provide insights to you in getting to know yourself more and better and why you do what you do.


The chief-love of all zodiac signs: as hard as rock in
matters of life but love has always been pisces’ soft spot. You are so
romantic, you finds it easy in comforting your partner. Pisces like to express
thoughts in words and writing; you always confesses your love and also putting
your romantic thoughts in poems and letters. You delights in ‘Art (nature)’ to
express your love like taking a love walk on the beach. Love to you is when
your partner tells you almost everything because naturally, people have a sense
of security being with you.


You actually believe communication is the lubricant that
oils the wheel of love, you like a two-side communication. Nevertheless, love
is a moment to you- and not a memory: you can walk –in and- out of love at a
moment’s notice.


You are easily blinded by love, and most of the times you
are a victim of loves’ bad weather. To you, Love is an object of worship that
should not be betrayed, so you find it hard to double date, you find it hard to
call a relationship off but you easily let go of heartbreaks.

What Love Means To You Based On Your Zodiac Sign


Quality time is the love language you understand most- -when
your partner takes time off to be around you. Love is an obsession to you.
Aquarius enjoys lover to be part of all that you do, if anything less, to run
with your project. You are an obsession to your lover and your lover becomes an
obsession to you.


You feel loved when you receive support financially from
your lover, love means give and take to you. You will only do what (s)-he has
done for you. When your lover value and give you freedom, then that is love.


To Capricorn, love is taking responsibilities on behalf of
your partner. You feel worthless if (s)-he has never asked you to do something
on his or her behalf, you have a sense of being loved when (s)-he takes you
shopping, visit cinemas. You delight in doing more for that one you love even
more that (s)-he has done for you.

What Love Means To You Based On Your Zodiac Sign


Showing hands and heart of CARE is the best way you describe
love, you do not really enjoy shopping, rather you prefer intimate dinner party.
Any activity that multiplies the bond of intimacy delights you more because
heart connection has always been oil in your wheels of love. You prefer sharing
a good home meal with the one you love than excursion.


Virgo prefers availability to capability when it comes to
love, You want people to be available for you. And this is often how you show
love to the one you love as well.


To every Taurus, love is a big deal: you don’t love easily
but finds it hard to stop loving when you love. Doing things for you, thingsyou
would never do or finding it hard to do for yourself is a definition of love to
you. Love is a pleasure to you, you love him or her more if (s)-he does the
hard works for you.


Love is another name for trust to scorpio, Have you ever
heard a saying “I TRUST you is a better compliment to I LOVE you”? Scorpio is
an ardent believer of this saying, trust is the basis of love to you – -and
thus you protect the one you trust. Love is simply TRUST to you, you use the
‘trust’ to build intimate relationship with you to love you more.

What Love Means To You Based On Your Zodiac Sign


Love is when leo finds it easy to express his thoughts or
her feelings to you. You call it love when (s)-he talks and thinks more about
you when engaging in discussions that matter with your partner.



In love, libra are liberals. You see love as a free gift
that doesn’t come with circumstances or sacrifices. It is hard for you to go
out of your ways in meeting your partners’ needs, nevertheless, you appreciate
it when people sacrifice for you. 

Written By Ola Moses

Ola Moses is a writer on Emmanuel’s Blog TV

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I am a young father, enthusiastic media mogul, crime journalist, psychologist, and life coach, this blog is where I put out my work and also on my Youtube channel. For life coaches and articles to help you through hard times please read emmanuelsblog.com. Thanks for reading my blog, I appreciate it and would love to see you back again. send out love to the world.


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