Psychic Powers Each Zodiac Sign Posses


Psychic power
actually means beyond- natural- charm you possess even in your natural

What are those things you do that can never do? Have you
observed that strange sense(s) in you? Yes, you are born like every other
person but there is something you have that others don’t have- -Won’t  you want to know?

Taurus as a zodiac sign are experts in seeing what Libra or
other zodiac signs wouldn’t see.

What a strange world with strange beings!

What is it that you have that nobody has?

1. Cancer

(Living In minds)

How you know the contents of heart still amazes me, you
seems to be present in your friends’ hearts even when sitting many metres away
from them. You tends to have a wi-Fi that connects you with others state of
minds. You are mind mapper that operates
with emotional wi-Fi network

2. Leo

(Lords of the Moments)

In any gathering, a dull moment seems inevitable, but during
these dull moments you (as a leo) would not be found, but you won’t be found
missing when excitement is in the air. It is either you create those exciting
moments or be a part. Instinctively, you
know when to walk-in and walk-out of a gathering
. If they see you walking
out of a party, I will advise those gracing the party to follow suit because
there’ll be excitements, fun no more. You
have the special sense for extraordinary moments.

3. Scorpio

(A being with Eagle

How you always think out of the  boxes remains a mystery. Actually, nothing
comes as a surprise to you. You are the most proactive of all zodiac signs. You
are a borne-leader, not a trained one.


4. Taurus

(Naturally Hyped-up)

On the outside, it seems you are not walking but contrary to
what we see, you are actually flying. You will always see a hollow where water
comes out in a wilderness. You are an expert in seeing the invisible. Basically,
I can say you like seeing what others are not seeing per time.

5. Libra

(A liberal psychic)

You are with liberal thoughts, your psychic innate skill
predicts and assumes rightly. However, you seems to have lost your prey when
highlighting and predicting who is too familiar to you. You are not sure of
what you will do next but you are so sure of others movements.

6. Virgo

(Friend to the

If you say it will rain despite the cloud not gathered yet,
it would surely rain. You say odd (out of context) things, yet they happen.

7. Gemini

(Friend of Words)

You always know what to say even without preparation, and
you would be correct and accurate. Your psychic ability is inspiration. It has
always been like there’s someone who tells you what to say- even to your very


8. Capricorn

(Right Time)

Capricorn psychic ability is knowing when to take three (3)
steps at a go or just a step. In life, people always want to be ahead of others
 without minding that
change-in-operations could happen at their backs. Instinctively, you know when to press on accelerator and when to apply

9. Sagittarius

(The Know-How)

Most often, people know what to do but do not know how to do
it. But you being a Sagittarian know how to achieve your big objectives.
Success and achievements are written over you.

10. Aries

(Luck on Your Way)

As boredom engages you, you activate your internet
connection to surf the web and you stumble across a recruitment information
that betters your life. You do meet good things on you way without nurturing
such thoughts.

11. Pisces

(The Know-All)

You are the most naturalistic species of man, you always
know more than they, little details matter to you and it always give you that
edge. Your psychic ability makes you rule the subconscious mind of thoughts.

12. Aquarius

(Irresistible requests)

You often take people by their words, not to use it against
them but to appeal for what you long for. You are too irresistible to be damned
when placing requests. How you do this- you can’t even explain to yourself.


Is written by Ola Moses

Ola Mosese is a top writer on Emmanuelsblog TV

Picture credit: The Mind Journal 

Psychic Powers Each Zodiac Sign Possess
© the minds journal
Psychic Powers Each Zodiac Sign Possess
© the minds journal
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