It’s no news that the housemates lost their wager last night after Big Brother accused some of the housemates of flouting the language rules.
The housemates who got called out were Jeff, Sir Dee, Thelma, and Diane. Their decision to break the rules in the house came with dire consequences. The housemates have to brace up for the coming days as the usual supplies in the house won’t be coming anymore.
Aware of the rough days ahead, the housemates gathered to have a meeting where they all spoke about how things would be done going forward.
The ‘Head Of House,’ Nelson appointed Seyi and Ella as a task force to make sure the supplies in the house are used adequately.
Seyi also advised housemates to always clean up after eating or making use of stuff in the house
Sir Dee also added that housemates should respect Seyi and Ella’s new roles as it was not an avenue to disrespect them, rather it was just an opportunity to put things in order.
Nelson on a final note appealed to all housemates to always express themselves whenever they have something bothering them.
use as part of the new rules.