Dennis Da-ala Mirilla: Game of Thrones Final Review – Our Watch is Over

Dennis Da-ala Mirilla: Game of Thrones Final Review – Our Watch is Over

Perhaps, there will be redemption in the spinoffs we’ve been promised. For now, let the words of the queen’s commander and loyal subject Grey Worm serve as your strength in these days as we make sense of the evil that has befallen us: “We need justice. Jon Snow cannot go free.”

Today is a day of mourning. It’s a terrible thing, what happened in Westeros. The world saw a powerful woman and didn’t know what to do with her. The true queen Daenerys Targaryen was betrayed by her lover and nephew. A sad story of a young woman fighting for her birth right, and coming to terms that there is no place for real victory for women, at least not in Westeros. The peddlers of misogyny in Westeros and beyond won the great war. Somehow, Jon Snow is exonerated from the horrors of King’s Landing, and the queen is the single culprit. Misogyny is the backbone of that continent, its mask and its bare face.

“Game of Thrones” is the most vivid affirmation of the world and its double standards. Now that the once resplendent and even noble Jon Snow has been reduced to “Queen Slayer,” I hope somebody rejoices, because it will be a total waste of time if nobody deems it fit to dance around the bodies of the dead in Westeros. The queen alone is not to blame for the disaster that befell the capitol. All her true advisers were taken from her by the cold hands of death in her odyssey to save the people of Westeros. It’s a shame that people bite the hands that feed them, and do it so conveniently.

Sansa Stark will never be my queen. Sansa Stark will never be anyone’s queen. She will never earn my respect or the respect of anyone who truly followed that show. “Game of Thrones” was indeed a show. And in it, Queen Daenerys of house Targaryen lived as a queen and died a queen.

We dreaded this day, those of us loyal to the true queen, and when it hit us, and not in any way subtle, it was a hard pill to swallow. In sack clothing and half covered faces, we, too, in our numbers, will take to the streets of Twitter and Instagram comment sections with hashtags, to lick our wounds and redeem our queen in any way we can. These are dark days, and in the horizon darker days are still to come. We must gather around and comfort each other now more than ever, as we brace ourselves for “the great social media war” that is upon us.

In this war, I chose a side, and it wasn’t a passive one. It wasn’t D.B Weiss and David Benioff’s either. It was an allegiance to the true queen from the very beginning, who, without any soldiers, as a guest in a foreign land, was sold to the head of the Dothraki hoard in exchange for an army. The world has lost its most powerful character ever in the history of medieval fantasies, and I won’t rejoice.

No one has known pain and hurt like Daenerys Stormborn. As a child, she witnessed her family slaughtered in cold blood. As the Khaleesi, her husband Khal Drogo was poisoned as a result of her kind gesture to show mercy to a witch who in return cursed him to die. As a woman, she came to terms with the fact that her lover couldn’t be her lover because it was incest, and that somehow he was also entitled to her throne. I have few words to say about the death of the queen and the person who killed her: Infra dignitatem.

Perhaps, there will be redemption in the spinoffs we’ve been promised. For now, let the words of the queen’s commander and loyal subject Grey Worm serve as your strength in these days as we make sense of the evil that has befallen us: “We need justice. Jon Snow cannot go free.”

Photo Credit: @GameofThrones/Helen Sloan/HBO

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