Zodiac Signs Who Are Narcissistic Ranked From Most To Least – Know Them


Zodiac Signs Who Are Narcissistic Ranked From Most To Least - Know Them

Narcissists seek perfection- they want the perfect partner, perfect house, perfect job. This is the certain traits in all of them; so common. And they are not ready to burn night candles, so you are the preys at their expense of seeking perfection.

Read and identify them!

1. Taurus (April 20 – May 20) 

Usually Taurus feels better than the rest, and always see themselves as the only person in a group entitle to particular thing. Nothing can influence their conclusion about themselves that nobody else deserves it but them only. Give it to other person, and they will fight tooth and nail.

They are confrontational, yes they are also materialistic. Every Taurus has mastered the art to influence you to do what you will not do naturally. They can turn you inside out- this is what they do.

Zodiac Signs Who Are Narcissistic Ranked From Most To Least - Know Them

2. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Don’t contend with Sagittarius lest you see their narcissistic side. What interest them should not interest you if it is only just 1. They are frank and bold, and never afraid to utter statements that cross their minds (regardless how dangerous those words sound like). They are narcissists because they can never see things in your perspective no matter how you enjoin or compel them.

Not seeing things the way they see them can cause them to manipulate you and feels okay. They are ready to use you. Actually, you are a device to them.

3. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

I know you have been itching to see the name ‘Scorpio’ on the list, Yes! It will always be on the top 3 list. You have no issue if s-he is in a good moment, no sense of betrayal, security is guaranteed. But there will be a turn around if a Scorpio sense bad moves against him or her. The truth you should know is no one can even do the narcissistic stuff than Scorpio, it is only placed in number 3 because Scorpio puts on his or her narcissists mode on when there is the need- not always unlike number 1 and 2 above.

They are also masters of dark arts and skills, revenging the betrayal, coming out violent and run after you to give you your share. They will give you more than what you have given them, even more than you have imagined.

Zodiac Signs Who Are Narcissistic Ranked From Most To Least - Know Them

4. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Aquarians want nothing else, but independence. They always want to be themselves and on their own; doing things in their own ways, confront them about the way they are going about with things and they will misquote you. They gad love to be a better person, but the way and approaches they do employ to get things done make them a narcissist.

They do offer help and extend empathy, but they do these because more gains await them for those things they do. So calculative in maximizing their course of actions. No one handles it better than them, seeing them beside you should make you glad and grateful to them- these are their thoughts that makes them narcissists. 

5. Leo (July 23 –August 22)

Nothing attracts and excites them unless you make them the main wo-man in that thing. If what you call them to do will not put them in the centre of attraction, they will pick no interest. They appear pride, confident but they feel insecure within, nevertheless, the competition zeal secretly in them drives them often.

One of their arts is to make you look better and superior to them, they only seek your mercy to maneuver you. The reason why they invest in you; buying you things, reaching out to you consistently is because they want to you has a wrapper within their reach and use any time any day.

6. Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Aries, big time- lacks empathy. They had never thought about your concern for one minute or less. People around them suffer. If what they do works for you and you benefit from it. Know that you were never in the picture, it happens coincidentally- so thank your luck. Don’t let that deceive you and rely on Aries. Aries feel no one else can complete them, so they feel complete.

You add nothing to them, at least this is processed in their thoughts. And when you make up your mind to stand up against them, know that you have already started a battle you cannot finish.

7. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

It is no longer a news that the favorite hobby of a Virgo is researching. It is also this hobby that paints them narcissists. They think they know more better than you, you can never talk them out. In as much as they are not ready to take and accept your words, they expect you to accept theirs. They are so full of themselves. They will paint black to gold for you just for them to have their ways.

No wonder they are smart liars, they tell lies and they will leave no traces behind just to get or have you. They are self-conceited in nature.

 Zodiac Signs Who Are Narcissistic Ranked From Most To Least - Know Them

8. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

One surest thing about Cancers is they are always in want, they always need one thing or the other, their quest for wants are never satisfied. To get their wants, hey will do anything to get them to themselves; using tricks, manipulation or playing a victim role. They are emotional and their conscience prick many time they are doing what is against humanity.

However, they tend to ignore their emotional senses sometimes. And go on with the sleeves on their hand most especially when they are hurt, they go all out and care less.

9. Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Usually, Libras are never real, they are not what they call themselves or what you think they are. They secretly wish you handle them with caution and treat them better. No wonder they long to be in the centre of attraction- secretly though.

10. Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Gemini are actors and actresses- so dramatic. Despite not being and hero or heroine of a situation, they will play the role of hero and heroine perfectly. They know how to go about things that will make you see them as ‘messiah’

What gives them more influence is because they are sociable- they get along with people quickly and easily. So they talk and dwell more about their achievements before them.

 Zodiac Signs Who Are Narcissistic Ranked From Most To Least - Know Them

11. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

To get what they want makes them to put on a cold feeling a bit. They are one of the last narcissists out there, they are only included in this list to reiterate that nobody or no zodiac sign is perfect. They have empathy for others.

12. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Propose leadership and followership role to Pisces, and you will be surprised you see them opt for the followership role. That is who they are, nothing really freaks them, and they smile and go on with their things. They are in their class of their own. They had plan to represent themselves well and will not do things contrary to that, they are the least narcissists of zodiac signs.

Zodiac Signs Who Are Narcissistic Ranked From Most To Least - Know Them

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