How To Look Trendy and Classic Like Nick Jonas This Christmas – 9+ Affordable Outfits To Shop


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This Is a round-necked body-fitted, long-sleeved shirt. Perfectly styled by the wearer. It is designed with buttons and a signatory breasted pocket.

It can be worn to a wedding function, religious events, hangouts, Club meetings and traditional events.

It’s best suited for middle-sized and Slim gentlemen.

It can be worn with a Hula or ‘Fila gobi’, a deep wine suede shoe, a black-brown shoe, a high carton boot/timberland, a suite case as worn, coral beads, cool shades, senator hat and wrist bands.


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The best was indeed reserved for the last! This unique style is the type to shutdown any event. This is what you wear when you want to steal a Show!!! This is the neck-turning, kneee bending, girl gushing high end Attire! This is the description of Fashion 101. The kind that makes people believe you have a bundle in each of the pockets.

This is a refined version of the African Agbada tailored to fit male of all sizes.

It can be worn to weddings of course! Fashion shows/awards shows/ traditional events and any high-class invite.

It can be worn with classic shoes and ‘fila gobi’ Yoruba headwear. Can also be accessorized according to taste.

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