Your Soul Symbol And Its Effect On You According To Your Birth Month


Your Soul Symbol And Its Effect On You According To Your Birth Month

#1. January

Soul Symbol: DRAGON

Effect(s): People born in the first month of the calendar year do pull crowd, you are also fiery as dragon; you have obsession in your wills, you hardly let go until you do things your way.

#2. February

Soul Symbol: PHOENIX

Effect(s): People born in the second month of the calendar year do come back stronger and more purposeful; doggedness is in you.

#3. March

Soul Symbol: YIN-YANG

Effect(s): People born in the third month of the calendar year are thoughtful and would not leave any stones unturned. They carefully and patiently observe situations before interpreting them in good heart.

Your Soul Symbol And Its Effect On You According To Your Birth Month

#4. April

Soul Symbol: LION

Effect(s): People born in the fourth month of the calendar year do boom with confidence and courage, quite an impressing leader who would sacrifice anything for the safety and peace of his flock.

#5. May

Soul Symbol: WOLF

Effect(s): People born in the fifth month of the calendar year are reclusive and peaceful. However, they are more than capable in providing security to themselves and people that surrounds them. You wouldn’t want to see their other sides.

#6. June

Soul Symbol: FISH

Effect(s): People born in the sixth month of the calendar year takes a slight dig at commitment; they don’t want anything to stop them flying around as free-birds they are.

#7. July

Soul Symbol: FIRE

Effect(s): People born in the seventh month of the calendar year are passionate; so rich in will. Anything they desire will be pursued with so much intensity until they have them.

Your Soul Symbol And Its Effect On You According To Your Birth Month

#8. August

Soul Symbol: HORSE

Effect(s): People born in the eighth month of the calendar year love to take on new adventures, they embrace challenges- it is their secret of living though. Any challenges overcame become a stepping stone for them to take on another one. They fear nothing.

Your Soul Symbol And Its Effect On You According To Your Birth Month

#9. September

Soul Symbol: FLOWER

Effect(s): People born in the ninth month of the calendar year exude beauty in all they do, peace and placidity accompany them wherever they find themselves.

#10. October

Soul Symbol: STAR

Effect(s): People born in the tenth month of the calendar year are pathfinder, guardian. They live for others in what they do and would always attend to people’s needs.

#11. November

Soul Symbol: TREE

Effect(s): People born in the eleventh month of the calendar year provide covering for others, people run to you for help and you are always there for them. You are really a friend indeed to all.

Your Soul Symbol And Its Effect On You According To Your Birth Month

#12. December

Soul Symbol: WATER

Effect(s): People born in the twelfth month of the calendar year are made for the seasons (peaceful or stormy). Irritability as a trait in you is your source of strength. You have diverse mechanized weapons to face any seasons of your time.

Written By Ola Moses

Your Soul Symbol And Its Effect On You According To Your Birth Month

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