Zodiac Signs That Will Definitely Experience The Worst Year Of 2020


1. LEO:

Betrayers are snuffing around you, it is unfortunate that they will be the one you so much trust and confide in- in place of work and career most especially.

They lurk around, waiting for you to make mistake(s), then they go on rampage and bring out their true colors. Most of the times, you will be on your knees as you wallow in self-pity. 

Make sure you don’t cast all your eggs in one basket. Don’t be too certain!


You had plan and desire to take bold steps, but nothing is really forthcoming. You spend your whole time in what you have to do, and you actually get nothing done. You will struggle to make things work and happen; no slice of luck whatsoever on your side.

Your endeavors in the year will be directly opposite to your intents of mind- handwriting of failures all over the wall for you.

Let your goals be achievable and be calm.


People that matter in your life are no longer part of your life. You lose your social powers and influence.

Love! Love is lost between you and your loved ones, no more attractions that once attracted you and your loved ones to one another.

You will then suffer when you are adjusting to this new life of a loner that is now yours. Nevertheless, don’t lose hope, latter months of the year may conjure up something at your mercy.

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I am a young father, enthusiastic media mogul, crime journalist, psychologist, and life coach, this blog is where I put out my work and also on my Youtube channel. For life coaches and articles to help you through hard times please read emmanuelsblog.com. Thanks for reading my blog, I appreciate it and would love to see you back again. send out love to the world.


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