“Thank you for building with me” Banky W celebrates wife Adesua on the third anniversary of their introduction


Banky W is marking the third anniversary of his and Adesua Etomi’s introduction ceremony  by reminiscing on their marriage.

He shared a photo taken on their introduction day and wrote:

The strength of a building is in its foundation. Many new homeowners are focused on the surface things.. the design, paint, finishing and accessories… the things you can see. But the part you can’t see is actually the most important of all. The structural integrity of a home requires a foundation that is built to last. If you get the foundation right, everything else can be worked on over time. You can fix cracks in the walls. You can put on a new coat of paint. You can refurbish, redecorate, and renovate. But you need to get the foundation right if you want any chance of standing the test of time.

3 years ago today, we had our “introduction”. We took that first step in the #BAAD2017 wedding process, and at that time, we were both very much still works-in-progress. And even until today, we still are. But God has been so good. He’s been faithful. He’s the reason we have made it this far, and the reason we are deeper in love and stronger in our bond than ever.

Grateful for the journey, every step has been worth it. Grateful for all the lessons learned, and the blessings still to come. Grateful for what we are building, and grateful most of all for our foundation.

Thank you Mrs W. Thank you for loving me, and thank you for building with me. I love you.

And most importantly, thank you Jesus. 
Happy Intro-versary @AdesuaEtomi 
#BAADFOREVER “…and the rains descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.”
– Matt 7:26

"Thank you for building with me" Banky W celebrates wife Adesua on the third anniversary of their introduction

Adesua responded by professing her love for Banky.

See her response below.

"Thank you for building with me" Banky W celebrates wife Adesua on the third anniversary of their introduction

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